bunny camping

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Bubville, , USA
There's a campground about 20 min. away, and ourchurch is doing a camping trip. I'm thinking about going and bringingBubby or Pandemonium. Anyone ever gone bunny camping? Any tips?

As far as I can figure, it would be pretty simple. I have a travelkennel and all the accessories. And I can pick up a good harness, andhave a retractable leash. Pick a shady site, put the kennel in thetent, put the bunny on the leash, and go scare the other campers!


Seriously, it seems like it would be easier than taking a dog, who needs to be walked at odd hours!



P.S. Too bad Tina's not around, she takes Apollo EVERYWHERE! hehe
I wouldn't do it. I just don't like taking my buns out of their environment. They sorta freak out.
I guess it depends on the bunnies. My rabbitsactually don't mind too much being out of their environment. I tookthem to the park and they had a blast, being petted by all the kids andgrazing on the grass. But some rabbits really don't like it, so itdepends on your bunnies. Just try to recreate as much of their homeenvironment at the camp (i.e. bedding, litterbox, dishes, etc.) andthey will probably be okay.

My buns are usually ok. Bunbun was awesome withpeople, but got sick in the car. Izzy's more likely to freak, so she'snot even a possibility. Pandemonium gets obnoxious but does NOT getcarsick, and she likes attention. Bubby is young andoutgoingbut needs the exposure to people if he's going to belike his daddy. Fenwick would HATE it! Hey, with everyone messing uphis hair? COME ON! lol

Our bunnies are NOT shy! hehehe

I would like to get Bub used to car rides like another bunny I knew once. He would came when called and hop in!


P.S. BTW, for those of you who haven't experienced it, bunnies don'tget carsick like people, because they can't throw up. They flop out,drool excessively with mouth open, and pant instead. Those lessaffected just huddle in a corner, and those unaffected chew oneverything in sight!
We have often taken a crew of four bunnies onextended vacations rather than worry about them at home. Ofcourse, our full sized van makes that an easy proposition and I have atwo "storied" cage to accommodate two bonded pairs.

Not uncommon to take a bun with us to flea markets, craft shows, yardsales and the like in my "front pack" carrier. Sometimes, wejust take a bun for a ride with us. The engine cover(hump)top has been carpeted so the bun can get purchase while going aroundcurves. A cage is always in the van, equipped with feed, hay,water, and litter box, to serve as a comfort station if the needarises. Bun usually signal need to use it by scratching atthe carpet.

Take your bun along! He's family. Just don't leavehim in the tent alone if the camping area is subject to loose dogs orwild animals such as raccoons, bears, bobcats, etc.

That helps, Buck!

Yeah, they're family all right...all of them! I'm trying to pick which one is the best traveler.

I know Bubby needs the social practice, but he may be too big for thekennel by then! The campground is pretty busy, so wild animals aren'tas much of a problem.Will have to be careful of dogs,althoughrules are pretty strict--all animals onleash.It's in Sept. so it shouldn't be as hot, plus I'd makesure to camp in the shade.

I'm planning now, trying to think of details to see if it's even feasible.

So thanks, all!

Some comments that our posters have about their experiences in camping with their bunnies:

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hello my name isDonna and i am a new bunny owner--jelly beans(15wks)--and just wanted to share a story and make othersreally aware of the dangers of plastic wire ties and bunnies.......wewent camping last week and naturally jelly beans(beans for short) camewith us, she would sit in her cage and adore the outdoors andrun on her harness when let out...well someone in another camp site hadinadvertantly left a wire tie on the ground outside her cage(think its a girl anyway) beans had managed to get it around her necksomehow in going over to say hello and give somelove to her i noticed she looked verystrange upon further inspection i discoved the plastic wiretie......each time she moved and bucked while i was trying to get itoff it would tighten i yelledto my husband to help"beans is dying help mepleaseee!!!!" he ran over and had no luck either by this timeshe was lifeless finally my husband was able to get the tie off withoutfurther injury to her neck............she was still lifeless and gone iwas in tears so my hubby beingthe good natured and loving man that he is gave beans mouthto mouth and cpr took bout 5-6 breaths when he noticed shehad exhaled on her own altho still unconcious she wasbreathing so we wrapped her in a sweatshirt to try andprevent shock from setting in...bout minute later she opened her eyesand looked around we let her rest all wrapped up in theshirt and within an hour she was up on her feetagain....we thought for sure she would have hadsome sort of brain damage but im happy to say beansis back to jelly beaning wherever she goesLOL she is happy and heathly with no side effectsat all.......so to all of u out there the stupidest littlestthing could end ur bunnys life just like that soplease beware!!!! thanks

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HEY YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm at the library so my return is going to be short lived. We are welland camping. Ya'll can imagine the looks I get when I emerge from ourtent with a bunny in my arms. Apollo has become the unofficialcampground mascaot. He loves ll the extra attention but isn't too sureabout all the new sights, sounds and smells.

Apollo's 1st show is coming up. August 16th-22nd he will be showing. Maybe I'm biased lol but I thnk he'll take it hands down.

I have missed everyone here more than you know. And the welcome made my day.


Tina & APOLLO & Family


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