the way i saw this with my buns was that if iwas in her shoes all day with him doing his man thing then i wouldeventually get tired of it and give him what for.
When we got hetti for Jack we thought bonding would be easy if it wasntlove at first sight there were lots of things we could do to resolve it.
However when we bought hetti home we let jack hop in her hutch and theyseemed to get on fine. When I decided it would be better forthem both to be in Jacks hutch as it is easier for me clean theproblems began.
Its not just nipping u have to worry about from the girl rabbit they also pull fur and mount male rabbits too.
We woke up one morning went in to our rabbits room and jack was in hishutch and hetti was giving him what for we had to seperate them intoseperate hutches and give them each a bit of the room fenced off.
we went away one wknd came back and hetti had prised the fence apartand they had had a big fight there was fur everywhere
verydistressing. Anyway they are friends now but there is abetter way to bond them than just letting them get on with.Buck has a really good website that im sure he'd send u if u pm'd him.
Please dont let ur buns fight tho!