Well-Known Member
I had seen her on Kijiji as a free to good home and felt we were meant for each other so I answered it. The day before picking her up I asked the partner what he thought of me getting a rabbit. Now you must understand he really is a good guy and does love animals, his mother is VP of the humane society in the city. But after living in a house with more then 2 dozen cats and having had a rabbit himself who used to chase his cats around and bite their bums he saw them as evil little critters. Well when asked he said no, when asked why it was that we had too many animals. I didn't think this was the real reason and decided to ask if a hedgehog would be OK then as he adores them. He was all ready to go out and get one! So anyways I slept on it after concsulting with some people on another forum and decided to do it anyways, its not like he's going to take care of it. If we had gotten the hedgehog I would have done all the work so I may as well get an animal I want.
So at 4:00pm today I went and picked her up. She was a little boy's first pet, but his parents felt the rabbit was distracting him from his schoolwork and decided she must go. I felt awful for the young boy he clearly loved the rabbit, as soon as he showed me into he garage where she was being kept he told me all about her, that her first owner had put a collar on her too tight and it had rubbed all the hair off her neck and was very sensitive now and she didn't like it touched. He told me she had had two other owners beside him, that she liked to have the lid of her cage to run around when she liked and then would hop back in when she wanted to rest or nibble at some food. He actually told me to make sure I left the lid off her cage to allow her free roam. His father and younger brother helped me put all the gear into the car, a picture was taken of him snuggling her before she was put in the carrier and then I got in and left.
She was not a fan of the carrier and kept charging the door for a few minutes after we left and finally she settled down at the back, balled up the blanket I had in there and watched me through the side slits on the carrier. I set up her cage, once home and the cats aren't sure what to think. Chase was the first to check things out, going up to her and sniffing but the moment she moved he would puff up and go running keeping his distance for a few moments and then trying again. Reyna sat and just stared, her head tilted to one sideand would reach over to sniff only when bunkins was at the other end of her cage. Kutner and Wilson both gave a few looks froma distance and then ran while Bosco lays down infront of the cage and just watches with great interest.
The partner isn't pleased and keeps cracking little things like "can we have rabbit for dinner?" I ignore him for the most part, he'll come around in awhile, though he may not like her he'll learn to tolerate her and stop with these childish antics of the silent treatmentand food jokes.
She's 3 years old and spayed, her breed is unknown to me and it didn't evencome to meask them if they knew her breed. She has a tattoo in her ear, wonder whats that about? And for sure needs to go on a diet, I just need to figure out how to go about it as I've never put an animal on a diet before, I assume its just to give her measured amounts of food instead of letting her free feed. Which is what would be done to a cat or dog. She also needs her nails trimmed but I'll probably bring her into a vet clinic or groomers for that to be done once she settles down some.
I'm still working on a new name for her. She was previously known as "Pebbles". So far I've found several I like but nothing is final yet. And now some pictures, not the best I've ever taken by far but I wanted to let her calm down so good pictures will have to wait.
So at 4:00pm today I went and picked her up. She was a little boy's first pet, but his parents felt the rabbit was distracting him from his schoolwork and decided she must go. I felt awful for the young boy he clearly loved the rabbit, as soon as he showed me into he garage where she was being kept he told me all about her, that her first owner had put a collar on her too tight and it had rubbed all the hair off her neck and was very sensitive now and she didn't like it touched. He told me she had had two other owners beside him, that she liked to have the lid of her cage to run around when she liked and then would hop back in when she wanted to rest or nibble at some food. He actually told me to make sure I left the lid off her cage to allow her free roam. His father and younger brother helped me put all the gear into the car, a picture was taken of him snuggling her before she was put in the carrier and then I got in and left.
She was not a fan of the carrier and kept charging the door for a few minutes after we left and finally she settled down at the back, balled up the blanket I had in there and watched me through the side slits on the carrier. I set up her cage, once home and the cats aren't sure what to think. Chase was the first to check things out, going up to her and sniffing but the moment she moved he would puff up and go running keeping his distance for a few moments and then trying again. Reyna sat and just stared, her head tilted to one sideand would reach over to sniff only when bunkins was at the other end of her cage. Kutner and Wilson both gave a few looks froma distance and then ran while Bosco lays down infront of the cage and just watches with great interest.
The partner isn't pleased and keeps cracking little things like "can we have rabbit for dinner?" I ignore him for the most part, he'll come around in awhile, though he may not like her he'll learn to tolerate her and stop with these childish antics of the silent treatmentand food jokes.
She's 3 years old and spayed, her breed is unknown to me and it didn't evencome to meask them if they knew her breed. She has a tattoo in her ear, wonder whats that about? And for sure needs to go on a diet, I just need to figure out how to go about it as I've never put an animal on a diet before, I assume its just to give her measured amounts of food instead of letting her free feed. Which is what would be done to a cat or dog. She also needs her nails trimmed but I'll probably bring her into a vet clinic or groomers for that to be done once she settles down some.
I'm still working on a new name for her. She was previously known as "Pebbles". So far I've found several I like but nothing is final yet. And now some pictures, not the best I've ever taken by far but I wanted to let her calm down so good pictures will have to wait.