Bunny binders

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I'm finally starting my bunny binder!I've already printed off quite a bit of info- veggie/fruit lists,emergency health care, GI stasis articles, etc. Could youguys give me your favorite links that you printed off? I usedthe HRS website and the Rabbit References website from the cheat sheetas starting points.
I have a copy of the Top Picks and CheatSheet. I have also gone through some of the topics that Buckhad contributed too, and printed out any relevant advice or must seelinks etc....

I started my binder not long after Buck pasted, and since that day I have about 1 big binder full of information.

Hint: I always check the links pam always puts. You can be surethat they are worth checking and printing out. Thanks Pam !!!!

One thing I do have printed is what I found going through old posts.

Diagrams of Rabbit Structure very good, definately worth a print

I have a lot of the information regarding illnesses and basic things like safe food lists printed off from the HRS website.

On top of that, I also keep a section for each of my bunnies where Irecord everything in it. I have a section for illnesses/mites where Irecord any signs of an illness (such as going off food, etc.) and thedate. I also have a vet visit page where I record when I took them tothe vet and what was done. I have a general area where I just writelittle things on what he gets fed, what he likes, etc. for other peoplewho watch him. And last but by no means least, I have a weight table. Irecord their weights monthly so I can keep tabs on their health.

That is very helpful to have when problems reoccur or for earlydetection of ilnesses and should be a part of every bunny binder.

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