bunny behaviour

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New Member
Feb 22, 2011
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leeds, , United Kingdom
I would like to hear all your views on something.

I have a 8 month old dwarf lop eared bunny. He is the runt of the litter and is only tiny. Ever since we brought him home he has been different to all other bunnys i know, even the vet said he had never seen one act like it. He comes to me for cuddles, he likes to lick me everywhere, runs around my feet grunts when he is on my knee and getting attention. He follows me everywhere even up the stairs. When he chases me we spend hours running backwards and forwards across the living room and basically acts more like a dog. When he was unwell and we took him to the vets he ran to me for support which shocked the vet as he jumped up at my chest and put both front paws on me.

Does my bunny think im his mummy or is he in love with me???

This behaviour is really strange.

Additional information:

He has not been neutered but i dont think that has anything to do with it because he has always done it since 5 weeks. I am due to get him neutered but i dont want his personality to change. I hear that they do change and go back into their shell.

My first Lop "Simon" was like this :) I loved that he was this way. My second lop BunBun is almost the same but not quite as affectionate but close. I nickname nearly all the bunnies I've had "bunnydog". They are a lot smarter, emotional than a lot of people think.

I'm not sure about the neutering..I had Simon before neutering was the norm and BunBun was attacked before he could get neutered and now is too ill so hopefully someone else will answer that part of the question :)
I think this is just his personality. I'm going to tell you about Milo. Milo is a mixed tortoise-shell holland lop. He acts more like a dog too. We also spend time playing chase back and forth. He binkies when we do it...it's hilarious. He also follows me absolutely everywhere. When I prepare his veggies he puts his paws up on the cupboards. He even raids the fridge when I open it (Look at the last set of photos on my blog, there's a pic of him doing it lol) People often tell me he thinks he's a dog. He wants to be friends with everyone and everything. He even allowed my Genie (a female guinea pig who passed away recently) to lick his head. Even bowed his head so she could reach. He jumps onto my lap, sits beside me on the couch, even jumps onto my lap when I'm at the computer. He does the love dance around my legs if I happen to stand up (I'm disabled) and puts his paws on the wheels of my wheelchair to be picked up. Most buns hate being picked up! He doesn't like it for more than a few minutes but still. He's also hugely smart. He has learned how to pass pretty much every bit of bunny proofing I have used. He even gets into 'capers'...oh man could I tell stories. At the animal shelter I got him from, they said they've never heard of a bunny getting into 'capers'. Well, this bunny does! Daily! He's really funny.

My point to all this? Enjoy your bunny, sounds like he has a fun little personality. Have a good laugh and have fun with him! That's what I do with Milo. He's awesome!


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