Bunny Behavior

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Feb 13, 2005
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Hi everyone!

Well, it's been quite a while since I posted last, basically because my hubby came home from deployment. :O)

Anyway, I wanted to drop in and say Hi to everyone and to see if allbunnies are like this. My little guy is almost like a cat -I'll be walking and he'll run and get right in front of my feet andjust sit there. He's also taken to tossing things, like hislitterbox or food dish, around with his teeth.Another thing he's been doing is nipping at my feet when I'm on thecomputer. He'll come up and nip the heel of my shoe or tugthe cuff of my jeans.

I'm not sure if he's binkying or not - he runs around in circles likehe's crazy, though. He's also letting my oldest daughter feedhim by hand and is letting all three of them pet him with no problem.

Well, I hope that this time I'll be more active!

Welcome back, Ericka.

My bunnies do those things, too. They always run in front ofme when I'm bringing out their salad. I nearly trip over themevery night.

They tug on our clothes when we are "in their way" and sometimes bite holes in our clothes if we don't move!


Yay for your hubby coming home! That must have been so rough for you!

Sounds like everything is going great with your bunny. :) I love itwhen they race around like that, it's just so fun to watch. My Valurangives my feet nudges like that too, his "hang out" is under the tableand he always has to investiate when we eat dinner or lunch orsomething.
I know what you mean about your little guy actinglike a cat. Scott and I are sure Hef thinks he's a dog. He comes when Iwhistle, he is ALWAYS underfoot, gives lots of kisses, sniffseverything, comes running when the refrigerator door opens.

Coincidentally, Scott had a black lab named Velvet when he was a kid,and Hef is a black mini rex with "velvet"-like fur. Hmmm.;) And he isSOOOO Daddy's boy!
Erika, I know are so happy having yourhuband back home. As to your bunny, oh yea lol, definitely normal buunybehavior. He sounds like a handful. What a sweetie.
