bunny and toys........

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
, Nevada, USA
Is there anything I can do to maybe enticeChinny to play with toys? LOL Or will she either play with them on herown, or just never play with them at all?

Shorty loves his plastic slinky. Hedidn't know what to do with it at first. I kinda clanked ittogether and he caught on. He clanks it and when it is rolledon the side he "digs" on it. Find something noisy forhim. They really like things that make noise...well, mine doanyhoo :) My silly wabbits

It's funny, I spent about $50.00 on toys for my buns and what theyenjoy the most are empty toilet paper rolls, shredded newspaper and a50 cent slinky. :?

OH!! And a set of those newborn baby key rings (99 cents at WalMart)
Ill have to get her a few different things.Right now she has: a cat ball with a bell, a rattle, a stainless steelbowl that she plays with in her cage lol, a toilet paper roll filledwith grass hay, a crumpled ball of paper, a phone book, apple twigs,boxes and this other rattle thing thats kinda big.

Maybe its just cuz she is still young and this is all still very new lol Im impatient I think

Kricket wrote:
Shorty loves his plastic slinky.

I hang my slinky on a post. Pebbles would pull it back,release it, and chase it back to thepost. :DShe likes the paper tubes in different sizes. There are bearbells that make noise..............


Pebbles loves to crawl through her boxes and her larger tubes..........


And she likes to hide or burrow in tight small spaces............


Rainbows! :D

My buns are all different, but they all justlove empty toilet paper rolls. Sometimes I fill them with hayand sometimes not. Sampson likes anything he can"throw". The others all depend on their moods.Sampson is my big toy guy, he loves just about anything I givehim. I'm going to have to try a Slinky.

i have spent a fair bit on a lovely wooden housefor my rabbits and they wont touch it but i gave them a cardboard boxand they love playing with that? simple things please simple minds evena toilet roll is more fun than most of the shop bought toys.
for toys for my 3 buns i use, toliet rolls andcardbord boxes they all love that!! tehy love hiding too i gave then acat ball to them last weke and they love it!!
sophiebun wrote:
Have you tried willow toys or wooden toys? My bunslove to chew willow baskets and toys with hay and wood.

This is my favorite bunny toy store: http://www.busybunny.com

Sophie, that is a great site! Thanks for sharing! Iwant the cottontail cottage! :) ...Well, Shorty &Star want the cottage :p
lucylocket wrote:
hi pet_bunny

can you tell me where you got the log house from

its seems really fun

varna xxxx

I've seen them at PetsMart too. They DO look fun! :)

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