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Feb 17, 2005
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Chelsea finally had her babies. i had put a bigcardboard box in there with her, but she moved hte box and made a nestbehind the box (using the box as a wall kind of that the nest leansagainst. as of last night, the bunnies were squirming around and i kepthaving to put them back in the nest so they would not freeze oranything. besides just regularly checking on htem, is there anythingelse i need to do?
i will post pictures when i can. will probably be tommorow though.
Yeah! Congratulations. Ourbabes turned 2 weeks old Monday. Sounds like your babies haveno walls to their nest since mommy made the nest behind thebox? Can you somehow replace all the nest material inside thebox (with 3-4 inch sides) and put back right where mom madeit? But then attach it somehow so she can't moveit? Make sure there's enough room for her to get in to feedthem. The most important part is they shouldn't escape fromthe nest, and mom needs to get in & out. How's thetemperature where they're at?

Make sure they have big round bellies each day and they stay in the nestbox.

How many did she have?


the mom was a mini-lop, the father was dwarfrabbit (did not know that he was a HE- it was a surprise). the babieshave a wall for the nestbox- they have the box on 1 side and the cagewall/plastic on 2 of the 3 other sides. the mother can come in from the1 side without a wall.

temp here lately has been 50-80, depending on weather. as forhow many, i am not sure yet. they keep digging back into the nestbox.sometimes they are out, sometimes they are not. hard to keep count. iknow at least 4...
Ha! We thought we had "sisters" too. Turned out Stormy was a boy!

If you could get a 4th wall up (3-4 inches high)mom can jumpover it. That's the best bet for keeping them in.If they are out of the nest and you don't know it, mommy will NOT putthem back or take care of them, and they will freeze - specially in themiddle of the night. :(
I think you got great advise about putting themin a nest box.My rabbits dont seem to be able to figure out how tobreed.I have two new bucks that just sit and stare at the does.Can isend them over for lessons.I finally ended up getting a buck from mysister.bluebird
Congrats, Its going to be amazing watching themgrow! My suprise litter happend that way too, Oreo turned out to be aboy. For my babies once a day i would get them out of the box and countthem and make sure they were still alive and see if their bellies wereround. Rabbits are not like cats and dont mind human smells so its okayto pick them up atleast once a day.
congratulations, Can you help urgentmale and females are banging their back legs every 30 seconds can youtell us why and one is about to get birth, is this normal for thepregnant rabbits
Pamela has shekindled yet , and ostimportantly is s hestill kicking herlegs out ?
pamela wrote:
please help does the doe while givingbirth is it normal for her to kick her hind legs every 30seconds

No -- that is not normal. Kindling is generally a quiet andvery quick process. Unusual behavior by the doe may indicatea problem such as a kit stuck in the birthing canal.
