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Annie S.

New Member
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Hello to everyone, I'm new here and in need of a little advice. First of all I have two rabbits who are bonded, they are both female. Pixi (a Mini Rex x Netherland Dwarf) is about 2 and unspayed, very dominant but friendly. I'm not sure how old Spaz (English Spot) is, my ex-boyfriend gave her to me because he 'didn't have room' for her anymore. I have no idea how she has been brought up, but she's very skittish and submissive. She's spayed, and generally hides behind Pixi at food and play times.

They have lived together for over a year now and never had any problems until recently. Cleo is a rescued rabbit, I'm not sure what type or how old (from size and development I'd say 3-4 weeks), but she's white, very small and still getting a little milk from an eye-dropper once a day. She's an orphan that I found barely clinging to life in a parking lot near my work. I know it was a foolish decision to bring her home, but I couldn't just leave her to die.

I've had her for almost a week now, she's in the same room as the other rabbits, but in a different cage. Cleo tries very hard to get to the other rabbits and is a major snuggler; she spends most of her time sleeping inside whichever sweater I'm wearing at the time. I feel bad to keep her away from the other rabbits, but the problem is Spaz. She's become extremely aggressive lately, is knocking her water over, digging in her food. She even started to try and pull the drywall apart where the cage touches the wall. I obviously rearranged things so that it's no longer in reach, but this sudden outburst is concerning from my usually meek little girl.

What about baby Cleo is upsetting Spaz so much? Do you think the three will ever be able to live peacefully together? Is it damaging to Cleo to be kept away from other rabbits when she's this young?

Let me know what you guys think, any advice is greatly appreciated. If you need any further details please let me know. :)

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