Bunnies and Dogs

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May 1, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

I am new to the board. My husband and I have 2rabbits: a mini lop named Madeline and a dutch named Oliver. We have been discussing adopting a dog but are not sure how they will be living with a new dog. Are there any breeds that are better living with rabbits?Iconsider my bunnies to be my kids and don't want to upset or stress them!!!

Thanks so much!!!
Further down the board on this page, or on the next there is a big thread about whether dogs and rabbits can live together.

I personally would suggest not getting a dog bred for hunting, i.e. a hound type dog. But I have no other helpful advice, but remember that the buns might not take to the dog, so that is something to bear in mind to, i.e. what happens if that happens.
I'll add another "Do not get" to the list...any sort of terrier. Their lines have been specifically bred to catch rabbits...and even this far down the pet line of them, they still have that overwhelming urge to get rabbits.

Also, I would avoid dachshunds (sp? weiner dogs)...as I have a feeling that, due to their shape and size, they might have been bred for animals in holes...which is best to avoid.

As far as breeds that are GOOD with rabbits...I'm honestly not sure. I'm not that knowledgeable in dog breeds and such. I've always been mostly a cat person. Neverhad a dog of my own, though I grew up with them.

I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of research on it when we get a house,though...as I plan on rescuing/fostering/adopting a few pups.

Here are a few articles that might help:





Hope those help! I honestly don't know a thing about training dogs, but I googled "bunnies and dogs" and that's what I came up with.


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
My dog is a lhasa apso and is great with my rabbits. If I have a rabbit out she watches it very carefully and if it goes out of the room while I am not watching she always barks to tell me. Lhasa's are supposed to be good with other animals, or at least that is what I have read, and Maggie has proven it right. But I also believe that it is the individual dog's temperament. Maggie is rather timid, so one grunt from Ronnie and she is making her way over to mommy for protection. A more outgoing dog would probably not do that. You also have to have your dog obedience trained and such and that makes it a lot better. I can tell Maggie to stay and she will even if a rabbit is running all around her, and I can call her off if she is getting too rough when playing with them.


JadeIcing wrote:
Well I guess it depends on the dog. Mine thinks she is a rabbit. She plays with ALL of them. They play with her. She is protective than them. Than again my dog is 6lbs.

Just because mine is good case doesn't mean every ones is. One thing to keep in mind is just because your dog may be great with the rabbit doesn't mean the rabbit will be ok with the dog.

Oh an yes I leave them alone together.

Ok jist of that is it all depends. Each animal is different.
I really do think it depends all on the dog. I have two golden retrievers who are great with my buns,but they grew up with a cat and they're almost 11 now.

I would adopt an adult dog if I were you. Some shelters or rescues may be able to suggest a dog that has been around cats,rabbits, or other animals.

You're probably going to want one that's more laid back.