Bun won't let me pick her up!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
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St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
:?:?:XMy bun will not let me pick herup, so I usually have trouble getting her in her cage at night! shewill growl at me if I go near her, because she knows its bed time!!! Iusually catch her with her carrier and let her out in her cage!! Itried letting her get into the cage alone but she usually won't gobecause she knows its bed time!! she is getting spayed very soon! howcan I get her into her cage without having her hate meafterwards!!!??????? :(
Well.. I am not really experienced in this field,so maybe someone can help you out better than me, but try giving hertreats. I know most buns will do anything for treats, so maybe thatwould work? Lol, sorry, I know I am not much of a help. :p

Try to gain her trust... if she's not that kindof rabbit though, you just have to coax and then pounce!LOL With Max I have to go slowly and stroke her, then make aquick grab under the chest and scoop her up, she hasn't quite gotenough trust in us yet. It's taken us months to get to thisstage. Henry was the opposite, he's quite happy to get pickedup.
Aww nooo! Some are just likethat! Don't worry about it, bunnies aren't cuddly all thetime... in fact most aren't at all! Buck catches his with anet!! LMAO!! :D:D:D
Honestly, from my experience, buns prefer whenyou stay on their level, ie on the floor. It is veryunnerving for many bunnys to suddenly no longer have ones paws on terrafirma! My buns usually let me scoop them up (because theylove cuddle time on the bed) but sometimes I have to play catch thebunny!
my bunny does the same thing, she doesnt want meto hold her and when i do, she digs and then she keeps nipping me andeveryone else. i dont know what to do and i dont want to give her atreat because that would be like "rrewarding her" for something shedidnt earn, right?
I totally know what ure going through:), my bunseems to misbehave when I try to pick her up!!! and she only lets mepet her when she wants to!!!:pI still love her to death, Iwill just keep being very patient with her!!! maybe its just herpersonality, she still has a sweet side to her, she usually comes up tome when I call her or hops up on the bed at night to groom me!!!!:D
you seem not to understand the fact that you dont*have* a pet rabbit. a rabbit has a pet human. and that rabbit can makethat human do anything he/she wants. most of the people on here cantell you stories of how well trained their rabbits have them.
lol, Mocha has me so well trained that I come to him when I want to give him treats instead of him coming to me for a treat.

My bunnies don't like being picked up, but they tolerate it. I've hadthem since they were young and every day I pick them up at least 4times. They're pretty good about it because if they aren't, I don'tbother with it and they don't get out for their exercise and they hatebeing locked in a cage all day.

You could try not feeding too many treats during the day, and when it'stime for bed, start teaching her that when she gets put in her cage forthe night, she gets a treat.
dreamgal042 wrote:
you seem not to understand the fact that you dont *have* apet rabbit. a rabbit has a pet human. and that rabbit can make thathuman do anything he/she wants. most of the people on here can tell youstories of how well trained their rabbits have them.

I agree with the treatthing. Umbra used to be very VERY reluctant to go into hiscage when I wanted him to. Especially when he was feelinghormonal. So every time I wanted him to go into his cage, Iwould chase him/scoop him, do whatever I usually did to get him in, andthen, as he was looking at me about to close his door, I would feed hima handful of his favorite treat- oats. After about a week ofdoing that, when I would bring out the oats container, he would veryeasily go into his cage and wait for me to give him the oats.Now sometimes he seems to sense when it's time to go in his cage (likeif I refill his water, or put more hay in his cage), and he'll jump onin his house without me even asking him to. And there hewaits for the oats. Oh and by the way, I only give 'em to himif he was good during his time outside of his cage.=P

Good luck!

--Melissa and Umbra
Fantabulous that the treat idea worked for you, Ihave used that for quite awhile (only problem being, now if its themiddle of the day-the viscous beasts start rattlin their prison cupsfor TREATS when lock down occurs) They actually RACE to try and gethome when I shake the craisin package. It's quite funny actually to seethose two ladies try and outrace each other to theirperspective cages, and then at times get confused as to who's home iswho's.....

:DI know my bunreally lovesto throw her bowl at the cage, even in the morning she'll try to wakeme up by throwing her toys and her bowl around in thecage!:paren't they just the cutest:Dbless themall:p:p;)
luna21 wrote:
:D I know my bun really loves to throw her bowl at the cage,even in the morning she'll try to wake me up by throwing her toys andher bowl around in the cage!:p aren't they just the cutest:D bless themall:p:p;)

Yes, its the cutest, thats why we tied everything to the sides of the cage so he won't be able to do that:)

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