Bun really doesn't like his veggies...?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
Here I made Wrangler a delicious salad with romaine, basil, parsley, and shrewed carrots, and he barely has touched it today. The first couple of times I gave his veggies to him, he ate them with really no problem (although I will tell you, this rabbit does not prefer carrots!). Now when I give Wrangler fruit, he'll eat it right up! He likes apples, but he LOVES bananas! Somaybe I have just a fruit-loving bun?
I'll bet he loves fruit, with all the yummy sugar :spintongue, but be careful with the amount you give him. Fruit n veg aren't interchangable in a bun's diet, amount-wise.

The House Rabbit Society (which is kind of like my bible, because, yes I quote it nonstop) advises no more than 1 oz. to 2 oz. of fruit per day, per 6 lbs. body weight, due to high sugar and calorie content.

I look upon fruit as a treat, and my buns will perhaps get fruit 2 or 3 times a week eg. a few chunks of apple, a few slices of banana, 2 strawberries etc. etc.

Perhaps he had filled up on pellets in the morning?


I would try feeding him one variety at a time to figure out what he likes. One of my buns will only eat lettuce - he'll eat a variety of lettuces, but that's it. My other bun is far less picky, but there are things she doesn't like either. You just need to figure out what his preferences are.
Each bun has their favorites. Some of mine like the grass, some romaine, some collard greens.

If he is getting pellets he will probably pick that over veg because they are addicting. Commercial animal foods are made to be very appealing towards the animals and thus many pick the dry concentrated foods over the healthier stuff.
Another reason to start slow:rabbits can get an upset digestive system from feeding them too many veggies too quickly. This is partly whatled to the myth that rabbits get diarrhea from veggies.

Also, some rabbits will get gas from some veggies. Broccoli and cabbage are the usual culprits. But I've heard of rabbits getting gas from parsley too! You just don't know how a rabbit will react to a knew veggie.

Better to start with a small amount, like a sprig of parsley, one day, then give him a bit more the next and the next, for about a week. Then start him on another veggie.It's kinda like introducing human babies to solids. :p

Oh, and MANY rabbits turn their noses up at a new food the first time. Just leave it in their dish and eventually you'll know if they'll eat it.

Hope that helps!

I think Brittany has been introducing them slowly for possibly a few weeks now (a previous thread was started by her about veggies).

I could be wrong, though.

Just wanted to add that :)

Thanks ya'll for the replies - Everyone is so helpful here :)

But yes, I know that fruit is more of a treat - and to only give it to him every so often.

It was funny, but right after I posted this thread, he jumped into his cage and started nibbling away at his veggies...soo maybe he does like them, but is just getting used to them.

Maybe I did start him on too many veggies too soon, but he's been eating parsley for awhile now as a snack...so that he should be used to by now hopefully.

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