bun is breathing fast

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Bunnies who pant are either 1. fighting offillness 2. have a resp. Problem or 3 if you just let your bun haveexercise they can lose their breath.

Most bunnies fighting off illness will have warm ears, Lucy was fighingof an affection about a month ago..take your bun to the vet and ask forBaytril it should clear up in about a month.
My bun does that sometimes too. It scares theliving daylights out of me cause I'm not sure what causes it. Hedoesn't seem to be sick and the only times he's ever done it was onetime when I picked him up and handed him to someone else and one timewhen I let him roam on my sister's bed (he was laying down, breathingreally fast-like---I lifted him up and there was a HUUUUUGEEEE, I meanHUGE puddle of pee!). Neither times was he really exercising before, orwell not enough to what I think would be exerting for a rabbit. And nowhe exercises more and doesn't ever breath hard anymore (that I noticeanyway). It worries me too! :shock:
I looked at her again and she was eating anddrinking water then she went along her business and started to binkyall over the house and was happy and she is fine now. I thought wellmaybe she is hot and i put some ice cubes in her water dish she drankthe water and seems great now.hmmmmm I am going to keep a good eye onher. she is like my child ..ohh I love her so much ....thanks for yourinfo guys!!:)
My male does that ALL the time! He ismuch more active than my female. I was so scared the firsttime, but realized he was panting or cooling off cause he was sotired. They also stretch out when they are relaxing andsometimes they look like ferrets all stretched out. :)
