Well-Known Member
Hello. I have kind of a funny/odd question. My bun will be six months old July 16th, and has been doing great. He is a bit mischevious though lol. Last night I had him out in his exercise pen in my bedroom, and he leaps over the side and runs under the bed. I have a teddy bear that had fallen off the bed and was on the floor, and um..well...my bun must've thought the teddy was a lovely lady bun because he was trying to make baby bunnies with it!!! LOL I was laughing andI couldn't believe what I was seeing! Then he starts chasing my kitties, trying to make baby bunnies with them, which of course made them very angry. So I'm puzzled...5 months and he's already acting like this? Isn't this a bit early for all the hormones and stuff? I still see him as my lil baby bun, I feel like he's growing up way too fast! Is this normal or is he developing way too early? Does this mean I have to have him neutered now? I didnt' want to do that unless I had to, I dont' want my bun to be away from home in pain, or under anesthetic.
Plus I don't know who I trust around here to operate on my bun. Anyone have any ideas what the heck is going on with my bun?? :?Thanks!! :bunnyheart