Bun Fund

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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA
Pipp being in for tooth trouble made me start thinking. I remember, back in the day, Sebastian's Little Girl needed a hot tub to help her with her troubles. I mentioned setting something up with paypal for people to donate, and Carolyn got the ball rolling.

I was thinking maybe we could do something like that here. I realize that this isn't something that we could open up to just anyone on the boards, as there would be someone who would definitely take advantage of it. I was thinking maybe in here, with people we've known for years, that we could create some kind of Bun Fund. We all get in tight spaces now and then. I've been extremely lucky with Elf, luckily, but always feel like I'd like some way to help out those who are struggling with money and run into bunny trouble in the medical fashion. I couldn't donate much. I'm definitely not rolling in cash, but I could definitely throw 5-10 dollars into the pot every month or so. Then, when someone in here has an emergency procedure at the vet, there would be a little something to supplement them.

It's just a thought. I know I have taken my breaks from the message board now and then over the years, but I really do care about the people here, and their bunny loves.
I think that's a nice idea. I'm actually not too much of a forum participant these days (rarely even know what's going on or who's who), but I could give something every once in a while. Either that or donate when someone is strapped and needs to raise money fairly quickly. :)
Oops, part of the problem is not very many members can see Buck's Bunny Bistro, it's only for the handful of active vets from Carolyn's era, and between those who have drifted away and those who can't get online, not an active section anymore.

But what a nice thought. :) We have a few support programs in place.

- We support IMOM, which is an organization offering financial assistance to pets in life-threatening situations.


-And we have a new 'Featured Rescue' every few months (we'll have another one as soon as our move to a new server is done) where we assist a selected rescue with a fundraising project. So far we've helped out Sabrina's House (creating and selling a calendar), Soulmate (Holiday decorations) and most recentlythe Midwest Rabbit Rescue winning$6000 via a zootoo.com 'shelter makeover' contest.

- We have a bunny rescue 'gas' fund that goes to pay transportation coststo get rescued bunnies to new homes. (That's the donation button at the bottom of the screen).

- And it's not a charitable donation, but you can join RO as a sponsor (Friend,VIP, VIP Gold or VIP Platinum)and help defer forum costs while getting some extra perks. (Use the subscription buttonin the 'My Account' section).

Hope this helps!


sas :bunnydance:
