Bun acting "off" (rather listless) though is still eating/pooping/etc.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
Is anyone else's bun(s) acting "off"/lazy right now, even if you keep your house temp. steady?

My 3-year-old male Cali, Pinkerton, has been "off"--not his usual exuberant self--for the past four days'. Strangely enough, our house temp. has been held at 78-deg. F (for much longer than this "off" behavior), and he's eating/drinking/pooping/peeing. But his behavior is very lackluster.

He's usually the first bun to dance/scoot around his pen and rattle his pen bars to demand his pellets; he's not done so for four days'. He's not sitting in a hunched position or grinding his teeth. He just seems very lazy, lying stretched out with his eyes mostly closed--even lying in "frog-dog" pose at times.

He's also been breathing somewhat rapidly for several minutes immediately after eating hay. (He doesn't do it after eating pellets.)

The vet examined him yesterday and found nothing amiss--normal temp./respiration rate/heart rate, no gas/gut distension/doughiness, and no nasal discharge.

Two nights ago, Pink sneezed three times and made one hacking noise. Both occurred while he was eating hay; I figured hay dust (or a small hay piece) irritated his nose/esophagus. I also told the vet that I gave Pink Bromelain twice daily from 6/12 to 6/27. (He was shedding heavily.) She doesn't think it's cause an imbalance, though, since Pink's gut sounds and fecals are normal. She also noted that many animal species are being seen for "off" behavior--especially birds who're in nesting mode longer than normal.

Any thoughts on a bun who's consuming/producing but not acting normally?

Thank you,
