bulk supply of hay?

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Aug 28, 2005
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i need to find a supplier in southern cali whosells hay in like 10lb bags at a decent price. those 1lb.bags at petco/petsmart just aren't enough.

all your help will be much appreciated.
naturestee wrote:
Or you could talk to horse people in the area and find outwhere they get their hay from.
I buy hay by the bale because I go through a lot in a year. The biggestproblem I had was finding a farmer that would sell me just 2 bales ofhay, they all thought it was a waste of time to but I have found afarmer now.
I live in El Cajon and went to the San DiegoHouse Rabbit Society's store today for the first time. They are openthe first and third Saturday of the month. I bought a big box of hay,don't know how many pounds but it was only $8.00 and was the bestsmelling and greenest hay! They told me that the Rancho SanDiego Animal Hospital sells their hay so you don't have to wait untiltheir store is open. Bunny and our two guinea pigs are goingbonkers for the stuff.
thaks for all the suggestions. i didn't know that horse hay was acceptable for rabbits too. :D
Thats basically what I use...a friend has someland w/ hay and I get a bale from him now and again for lil ofnothing...its a timothy mix...they LOVE it cuz its nice and fresh!
My bunnies wont eat bagged hay. Not only that,I've been aroun hay for a number of years and learned the differencebetween good, bad, and ok hay in a short time. All the stuff I've seenin stores is bad hay. It's either 'gone to straw' or smells old.

I buy hay from a farmer ($4.00 for 60 lbs, you can't beat that!) andit's excellent hay. Very fresh and sweet smelling. Not only that, butit has the leafy parts of the hay still attached which the boysabsolutely love. Most of the stuff I see in stores is just stems.
MyBunnyBoys...how do you go about keeping itfresh when you buy a bale at a time? We divided it up in garbage bagsand it seems to be ok so far...and whats in the house at the time is ina big tote.....

This is the first time I've bought in a bale, so if you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it!
I keep it outside. My dad built a hay shed for me.


(I didn't have any hay left except for some stuff in a bucket so itwould normally go on the side with the plastic containers. The burlapsacks have the remains of an open straw bale in them that I had to putinto something so I could clean under the straw.)

I go through a bale in 5 months so it's not a big deal. But the hayshed has plastic pipe legs so that mice can't crawl into the shed inthe winter. The hay also doesn't sit on the ground, it's raised off byplacing 3 2x2's under the bale.

I've yet to have a problem, although this year I did find some moisturein the back corners (moisture runs between the joint in the wood but itis very minimal) but luckily only a tiny bit of the hay dust wentmouldy and I never feed the really dusty stuff anyways.
For those who use the Oxbow Timothy Hay - is it usually soft and green?

The reason I ask is because Cookie turns up his nose at anything thatisn't really soft and green. I bought him a new bag of hisregular Kaytee Timothy Hay and this bag was green but the stalks arehard - more like straw. Guess just a different cut of the hay.

Anyway, just trying to find out what the Oxbow Timothyis like before ordering a bunch of it.


Nadia & Cookie (Hay Conniseur)
HoneyPot, I'd totally recommend the Oxbow brandfor Cookie. It's very fresh and has many different texturs of hay. It'sthe best brand I've seen. I would be severely suprised if Cookie didn'tlove it.
Oxbow is awesome! It is probably the fresheststuff out there. My bunnies go nuts for it. If I walk into the roomwith a bag, they run towards me and try to climb up my legs (I'm notkidding!).
Shuu, Bunnydude: Thanks, gonna order a bag of ittoday. I already use their pellets and orchard grass andcookie does go wild for it!

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