Building Raspberry's cage!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Montana, USA
Well, I've had it with my current cage set up forWinston and Mabel. I have one standard pet store cage for themsurrounded by a dog pen so they can run around a bit. This has beengreat, except that they (meaning Winston) pee on the floor. I'mstarting to worry that it's ruining the finish on the floor, so I'vedecided to try Raspberry's cage! I figure that if it doesn't work out,I'll only be out $20, plus I'll have a new book case. :)

A couple of questions, though. Raspberry, how did you connect thelevels of your cage? Does Sebastian just hop up? I checked out theladders in the bird section of the pet store, but my bunnies are toobig for them. Also, how did you fasten down the straw mats? and whatdid you use for a cage bottom?

I'm very excited about this, and I hope it doesn't end with me caughtin a tangle of crate-makings. :? I start building tomorrow morning!Yay! One bunny palace coming up.

Good Morning, NightPoet, :)

Have you done a search in the box up above on your screen for 'cages'or even 'cube cages'? There's a post Raspberry created called CagesOnly. If you read through that, you'll be able to find folks thathave the same as you do and go from there.

Between the search of the forum and that one thread, you should be able to find something of value.

Keep us posted. Raspberry really contributed a lot to how she did it.Pictures included. Click on her name and go to View Profile, then moveover to Topics and look at the list of topics she's posted along theway. I'm sure you'll find between her Topics and Posts an explanationto what you're looking for.




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