Building Harper a GINOURMOUS Cage...

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Okay, I went to Petsmart earlier and found a kinda cool cage that was $220. Ummm... no.

So, I went looking online at the NIC cages, and I've been getting some idea's. I want to build Harper a big, ginourmous cage, since I am about to start college,and he won't get as much out time. I want to use the panels that you get from Target, but I have questions.

Harper is a chewer... big time. If I make a cage with these, is the cage escape proof like commercial cages? (Atleast the one Harper is in...)And willhe be able to chew the cage apart in no time?

How do the panels fasten together? Someone said you have to use tie straps... if so, Harper will eat right through those. :?

Okay, after I get you guys' opinions, I'll think of what else, if anything, I need to ask. I'm such a pain, but you know you love me! Go on, admit it! :D

EDIT: typo's... not my best typing night.
peapoo chew to, but shes never gotten out of the nic cage.. i use zip ties.. im actually going to make her a new cage tonight since they are separated.. nic cages are great! i like beign able to change them when i need to!:bunnydance:
Ohhh Harper is gonna be one spoiled little guy,whatever you make him i'm sure he will just love it:D

post some pictures when you finally finish it:)

They're metal with some kind of colored coating (not sure what, though).
Pet store cages.. another bunny owning highway robbery! Almost as bad as bagged hay!

I'm in the process of making Pebbles a NIC Cage (A box of them piled in thefront room is all that's come from it though). I'm still looking for designs, so if you find any cool ones feel free to post them! :)

My cubes seem to be made out of a metal frame (Very sturdy and clink when you drop them) but the hard plastic on the outside gets all deformed with the connecters I use. You can use the connecters then add the cable ties for extra stability. Nope, I don't think he'll be able to destroy the grids.

The connecters for me looked like this:


(Pain in the tail to use though, and chews up the plastic!!)

Also, I'd love to see your cage if you build it. Maybe steal some ideas!;)
One suggestion when you're looking at width- make sure you'll be able to reach him from wherever he is in the cage! You don't want to be cursing yourself if he's not feeling well or he's scared and you can't get to him. I love the wide bases of my pens, but the only extra level in mine is a shelf along the side.
brandy563 wrote:
how expensive are the NIC cubes??? and how much would it cost to create a decent sized/safe/fun cage??
It's about $15 ($10 on sale) for a set of 17 grids, I think. I made a 4x2 grid cage, 2 grids high, with a 1x4 grid shelf for about $60. A grid is about 14 inches, so this cage was 56x28x28 with a 56x14 shelf. A lot of the cost is determined by what you use for the floor. There are a lot of options that work well for different people.

It's easy to make these cages fun because there's so much room for toys! And if you want to add another level on to it later, that's easy too.

You can usually find grids at Target, Shopko, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and sometimes Home Depot and Walmart.
I modeled my NIC condoafter this one:

I made mine with lots more room on the 2nd and 3rd floors though.

If you click on "View Seller's Other Items", you will see lots of different designs.The descriptions tell you exactly how many grids you need for each design.

This lady is making a killing on these. All she does is ship the materials and directions. You still have to do the hard part!

Edited to add:

If you're afraid he'll fall inside the cage, you can put up vertical "guard" grids in the open spaces like the ones in the photos above (link). I did that and we've never had an accident.

Laura wrote:
I modeled my NIC condoafter this one:

I made mine with lots more room on the 2nd and 3rd floors though.

If you click on "View Seller's Other Items", you will see lots of different designs.The descriptions tell you exactly how many grids you need for each design.

This lady is making a killing on these. All she does is ship the materials and directions. You still have to do the hard part!

Edited to add:

If you're afraid he'll fall inside the cage, you can put up vertical "guard" grids in the open spaces like the ones in the photos above (link). I did that and we've never had an accident.

That cage is PERFECT!! That's the kind of cage I want to build Harper!!
I put in one door for each level and one that opens on the top and I can reach every corner with no problem.

Ours is that size and I have my bonded girls both in there. There's plenty of room.


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