Buddy won't come out of his cage

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
So we got Buddy on Sunday. He seems like a very scared, cautious rabbit. He is four years old (or at least that is what the owner thinks, that he is three or four). He is fixed. He looks to me some sort of Dwarf mix (I have pics in the what breed is my rabbit section). He does lunge when you do things in his cage but it is very strange because he will lunge at say the tool that is trying to pick up his poo. But he will lunge on top of it and then put his head down and rest it on the object. He will also growl.He will stay there with his head down with his nose to the ground. His puts his whole head on the ground. Is this the submissive/pet me stance that I have read about? He will stay there while we pet him. All his lunging has been met with love, pets and kindness as the book says to do. Poor thing. I feel sorry for him.

He has a really sad story in that they have had him for years and loved him but then the male and female got a divorce. The daughter went to live with her father and so the rabbit had no company, no interaction with humans. He stayed in this tiny cage that was filled up if he laid down in it and was kept in a bedroom. Then they got a dog and he was terrified of the dog. The dog was introduced as a puppy so you can imagine Buddy's enthusiasm. Then I rescued him.

I stay by his cage and talk with him. We leave the door open incase he might want to come out, I give him vegetables as treats. We made a ramp too, so incase he is afraid to hop out. He made it all the way to the bottom of the ramp but then retreated back into his cage. I guess he is still scared/cautious. Should I try to coax him out with some cilantro? Or leave him to go at his own comfortable pace? How can I resocialize him?

I would let him take things at his own pace. Because he has had almost no human interaction in a very long time, plus the fact that he doesn't know you or your place, this is very frightening for him. I think you are doing great with his fear agresssion, sounds like you are doing exactly the best thing possible. Good luck, and you are wonderful for saving him from that situation!
So what would you say the head down thing is? He lunges but doesn't bite. When he lunges his paw goes over the object, like the pooper scooper. Then putts his nose/chin/head right to the ground and stays there. He does not run away when he pet him.
Like you, I just got a bun on Sunday too. Evie boxes and lunges when you reach in from the side of her cage, then gets in the same submissive position you are talking about. I've been trying to put a treat in my hand whenever I have to reach into her house for something. I'm also going reaching from the top of the cage (away from her), then bringing my hand closer to her, carrying the treat.

When I was poop-scooping yesterday, I opened up the side door so she could walk out onto the couch. Then I did my work while she stared at the Timmies cup. I'm trying hard not to upset her (just like you are :))
Sounds like you and I have two of a kind right now...
Lola has a similar story, she wasn't abused exactly...but certainly neglected (she was a "Easter" bunny) and for sure didn't trust any humans..as far as she was concerned..Bite first, then figure out what they want.....charged everything in site...

we left her on her own the first couple weeks...only going in to change litter, food ect..talked to her all the time (she's kinda in the hallway..so we have to pass the cage to get anywhere in the house), and gradually she started to mellow...once she started pushing her nose through the bars only then did we start to pet her...

she still charges and pitches her temper tantrums...but she doesn't bite at all unless she's been startled by something...(stupid fire truck! was it necessary to turn on the siren in front of my house while I was holding the bunny?)

once she figured out we wouldn't hurt her and she was here to stay..she mellowed out alot..
Okay based on the advice that you guys give I think I will make sure to have a treat each and every time I put my hand in the cage. Also, I think I will for the next week not pet Buddy so frequently. I think it may be scaring him. I open up his cage to pet him quite a bit. My attempt to pet himtry to calm him I think is not good for him. Anymore tips on how to socialize? Besides talking? providing a ramp, treats, occasional pets and just in general acknowledging he is there? He is very curious. Always standing up on his hind legs. His other cage (a gerbil or guinea pig cage) he could not even stand up in.
Aww bless, poor Buddy must be so scared! Due to having so little space and interaction before it must be quite unnerving to him to suddenly be in this new place, and even though he now has a bigger cage, attention, etc he's probably still quite scared.

I'd keep him in a quiet corner but not too far away from people, so that he can get used to you. Maybe sit nearby his cage on the floor very quietly and see if he gets curious enough to want to come out to see you. You could put a few treats down the ramp and at the bottom of the ramp to tempt him down- probably once he's out he'll realise there's no big scary dog around to terrify him...

When we first adopted Barney and Snowy, they were terrified, and wouldn't come out of their cage for days- in fact Barney stayed in his litter tray for about the first 36 hours lol, but they soon realised they were safe and came out to explore... :)

You've only had him for 2 days, there's plenty of time for him to get more comfortable with you yet! :)

I saw his pics in the rabbitry the other day, and he is soooo cute! How can anyone treat him so badly? I think it's great that you saved him, I think he's gonna be really happy with you! :hug:

Edit: Oh, and the putting his head down thing, could that be for pets? Barney does that, in a 'please, groom me!' kind of way? Even when he's a bit scared.... Sometimes I test if he really does want pets by putting my hand right next to his head on the floor, and if he nudges my hand with his nose, then I know he wants nose-rubs galore! :D

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