buddy for my bunny

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Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
allendale, New Jersey, USA
hey im looking for a friend for my rabbit. myrabbit was born in august and ive had him since october. i think thatit would be nice for him to have a friend and they would needto live inteh same cage together (it is a very big cage, and he is small) i knowthat rabbits need to bond with each other so i need to know how i wouldknow if they would get along. if anyone can help thatd be great

also he is a guy so should i get another guy or a girl?

I would get a girl for your boy rabbit, But make sure they are both neautered/spayed!

From experience in introducing bunnies, I would leave it 2-3 monthsafter they operation before you start introducing them together at playtime. I left it a month and they were still terriotoral (spelling) andhad a few fights. So i left it for another 2 months, but them seeingeach other through bars until then.

I started introducing them on the 9th Jan and they have been greatfriends since then. But am leaving it for another month until I housethem together.

Bonding does take alot of time, so don't rush into anything.

(You will need to buy or borrow a temporay cage for the new bunnie until then)

Ok, for some strange reason 'hecko' came out as'Hecko' and when I edit it, it won't change :?Strange. Sorryabout that though! lol

Agh! H E L L O doesnt want to be typed in a message!

Also, there are a few old threads on bonding that look quite useful butmaybe you already searched and didn't find what you needed.

Here's one but there're lots of others


One other thing to think about is that (so some say) once a bunny isbonded to another bunny, they become each others world and this maychange the relationship between the original bun and yourself -sometimes the bunny seems to be less affectionate with his/her ownerbecause they have a new partner 24/7. Obviously not all buns have sucha close bond with the owner to begin with and if you're out a lot etcit can give you peace of mind to know your bun has company.

I had personal experience of this happening the other way around - whenone of my bonded pair passed away, the remaining bunny seemed to'blossom' (she had been very aloof) as she became more dependant onhuman contact for socialization - but I sometimes wonder which companyshe'd prefer could she choose.:?


If I got another bunny - I would definitely geta girl. But - I would get your male rabbit neutered first andI would take him with you to a shelter or whereever you are going topick out your bunny from. Let him make the choice.

Also - you will need another cage for a while - because you can't justput two bunnies in together and expect them to get along - since thebuck may already consider the cage his "territory". I do haveseveral rabbits that play together -but they all have their OWN cageand I think that is why the fighting is minimal if at all.

But I would really question why you want to add anotherbunny. Many rabbits don't feel lonely at all....they sleepduring the day anyway and like to play in the early mornings andevenings. Others do like having another rabbit...or so I'vebeen told.

Anyway - DEFINITELY get your boy neutered before you bring anotherrabbit into the house. A mating can happen in seconds...evenwhen you think you're watching them (you can turn your back to answer aquestion and they'll mate).

Good luck in whatever you decide.

And just to try.....hello.

sm412 wrote:
also he is a guy so should i get another guy or a girl?
What you need to do is intorduce the two and see how theyreact. They can be picky and you never know. A girlfor the guy would be best. You may want to look at adopting ahomeless one so you can see how they react to each other.


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