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HOW ADORABLE!!! Are they both neutered?Even if they are getting two males to get along is amazing, everytimemy two males see eachother all they wanna do it kill one another!

that is the cutest thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u have some of the cutest bunnies, next to my apryl :D
Not neutred yet....they are going in to get donelater next month....they were together where we got them from, even thowe got them about a week apart...we've had no issues. They dojust fine together....PlaceI got them from swore they wereboth males....(now you've got me wondering...) :eek: Maybethey do well cuz they were so young? (about 2 months when we got em)
How old are they now? I would suggestgetting them neutered as soon as possible, just to minimize the risk ofthere being a serious fight. Just keep an eye on them, but they seem tobe doing fine :D

They are about 3 months now...earliest I couldget them in is May 23rd. So far I've seen no indication ofany fighting at all...They both go in the same day.....Hopefully theycan last another month!
Thanks! Yeah, from everything I've read, its worth the 60 some bucks each....better all the way around.

They are great fun...I am very glad I found this forum...its helped meto realize their whole potential as pets! I love em dearly!
Wow...they're adorable.

My three bucks got along until they hit about 14 or 15 weeks....andthen they started fighting. I wish you better luck than wehad......all three go to the vet for neutering this Friday, the 29th!

Can you get them neutered at the sametime? Are you, sorry I honestly didn't notice. I'mjust thinking they would be happier if they were together.They look really close.

Orion and Saphy get along really well. Orion is about 12 wksand Saphy is about 8. I think they would do ok with Sampson,but he is so much bigger, I'm afraid to try. I think he andElvis would be ok too. Elvis is such a laid back buck, andnot neutered, but he has been around Sage and they did fine.I think my babies are nuts.

Yep, they are going the same day ;)After I got Homer (the lighter colored one) I already had scheduledCorky's appt....but it was far enuff out they were able to accomidateboth...I just figured it'd be better all the way around...Vet keeps emover nite so they are togther...and the playing and such...they shouldboth feel about the same and will be easier for recoup I am hoping!