Bubbles is Post-Op Crazy

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Aug 19, 2009
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Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Hey Everyone! I just got my little Bubbles neutered and he's been home for only about 3 or 4 days. Since he came home, he has been unruly and just out of control. He ripped a huge hole in my bedroom carpet under the bed (a rental. ugh) which is something he's never EVER done or looked like he was about to do. He's been generally more defiant than ever. I keep him out of his cage because he is litter trained and he runs around the bedroom. When anyone opens the door, since coming home he FLIES out of the room and we have to chase him to get him back in. He never used to do this before the neuter. We do let him out of the room to run around the rest of the house often. Also, he chewed a huge hole in his food bag even though he has chew toys galore and food in his dish. This is ALSO something he has never tried doing before.

It may not sound like a lot, and I know chewing and digging are normal behaviors--the thing is that before the neuter I had a calm, loving, sweet little bun bun and now I have a terror. He's also really hyper and I can't get ahold of him to check his stitches. Ugh!

I'm not sure of his age, but we got him around May. He's neutered, about 2.5lbs. Holland Lop, as far as I know.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Not so much a thought but I think your experience has made my mind up me.

I was about to get my Choppy done but he is too loveable for words and I'd hate it if he changed.

Hope Bubbles settles soon !
Bunnies often go through adolescence unrelated to puberty. So spayed/neutered buns can still go through a crazy digging and chewing period. I don't think it has anything to do with getting him neutered - the teenage months just happen to start around the same time they go through puberty.
this sounds more like the "teens" than a result of neutering. All of our bunnies have been neutered without any changes in behavior--the changes came as they went thru the terrible teens. We have a folding metal playpen that I used to put up by the door so I could come and go without the bunnies getting outside--that worked very well to keep them in the room--much better than trying to catch them if they got out into the yard.
I went away for three weeks for surgery...

When I cam home my black hollland loppy girl who is the love of my life...and has never done a bad thing in her life (OK..well nothing too bad)was so mad at me for being away she chewed a hole in our couch!:shock: In the arm where I can't even hide it!

We had a live in pet sitter so she was out and about during the 3 weeks for her exercise...it was only after I got home that all hell broke loose! We had 8 other bunnies that suddenly dveloped a loss of memory and started pooping outside their litterboxes, tearing their cages apart, etc...and to top things off...not one would let me pet them! Not one bunn out of 8!!:shock:

I know with our kids it is them being royally ticked at me not being around...I would venture a guess that you are on the wrong end of a supremely ticked off little bunn! It could be normal teenage behavior...but I would suggest kissing bunny butt for about a week and see if his behavior changes! (took us about a week of treats and pets to bring things back under human control...do you know how many poops 8 rabbits make? Arrrggh!:grumpy:)

Good Luck!
I just posted about Bubbles.. I didn't know you had been here.

Bubbles will get better, I know it. He's a holland and a sweetie.. just dealing with his age. I'll get you that NIC cage also.