Bringing home our babies today!!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
, Ontario, Canada
My boyfriend and I are going to the breeder andpicking up our two Netherland Dwarf bunnies today! I am soexcited! We spent a long time yesterday bunny-proofing ourfamily room and getting their cage set up perfectly. Ifanyone has any advice for making the transition as smooth as possiblefor the buns that would be greatly appreciated!
Congrats on getting your new bunnies!How exciting. I would just say to keep them in their cage forawhile and let them adjust to their new surroundings before trying toplay with them and take them out. Make sure they have a hideyspot too. Can't wait to see pics!!
Congratulations!:elephant: It's best to leavethem to themselves for a while at first, just to let them get used tonew smells and places. They'll probably be a bit nervous but they'llsettle in a few days!:)
YAY!! Congratulations on your new babies!!! :D

Can't wait to see pictures!!! :)

:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower do the Welcome Home Dance!! :D
Thanks everyone! The babies arehome! They are exploring their new cage right now.They seem to be adjusting quite well, they are eating hay and playingwith their new toys already! I will post pics latertonight. I'm so happy to finally have my babies home!
Michaela wrote:
Congratulations!:elephant: It's best to leave them tothemselves for a while at first, just to let them get used to newsmells and places. They'll probably be a bit nervous but they'll settlein a few days!:)

They have a great hiding spot. The cage we have has a door to a hangingbox on the side. We leave a bit of hay in there and they go there topee alot. We let them out only the second day we got them. Everdaysince and aroud the same time right after dinner. They've adjusted veryand they get along very well. Considering they practically went fromprison to a penthouse!