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Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
South east, , USA
ive got some giant rabbits and i watched 3 of them get bred several times and left the breed pairs together overnight.
well i put two together today and she wont let him do anything, the other females did this but finally let the male breed them; but he does hump her but never finishes im leaving them overnight together do you thin he`ll get the job done?
How old are they? maybe she is not ready to be bred.
Moving this to the Rabbitry and Show room...
usually aggression towards the male is a good sign the does are bred. I wouldnt put them together again and hopefully you will have babies in a month. This usually works especially if the does didnt act like that the day before.
well i know ones bred for sure i seen the male grunt and fall off about 3 times.
but the ones i had overnight together yesterday i put them in and one fought but still let him breed, and 3 more just sat their buts on the ground and the male would hump but never finished i think this was because the females wouldnt let the males get in. but i put them in another night will this work?
Are you using the same male for all of these breedings? He might get tired with all this activity and might not be as fertile. Im not sure of this with rabbits as my buck and doe ratio is currently 2:3. But overnight breedings are difficult. You cant be for sure if the buck actually did the job or how many times he did it. I personally dont mind waiting for a month to see how it went and maybe learn from it and try something else if needed but thats totally up to you.
Sorry i just noticed you said males. Have you checked the does vent color? If its a light pink it means they arent really into what you are trying to accomplish and if its dark red then that means they are ready. Breeding rabbits isnt always as easy as some people think it might be
Every rabbit is different and not all of them go by the book. It would be helpful if you gave us more information to work with? Such as ages which was requested already. Also is this the does first breeding, has she ever had a litter before?
my answer would be they are too young. wait until they are 6-8months until breeding. They are not thinking about babies right now and that is probably why your having trouble with them. If they are giant rabbits i would wait till more around 8mths since bigger rabbits mature later
woahlookitsme wrote:
my answer would be they are too young. wait until they are 6-8months until breeding. They are not thinking about babies right now and that is probably why your having trouble with them. If they are giant rabbits i would wait till more around 8mths since bigger rabbits mature later
Iagree with thisit takes a large rabbit longer before they are ready to breed.......Toby

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