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Jan 26, 2005
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I have a dutch male and a mini lop female I gother befor christmas, and tried breeding them, thought she was pregnanttook her out and put her in a seperate cage..And still nothing or nosign that i see she is close to giving birth... I wanna know is it okto put her back in and try breeding again? Or how can I tell if she isfor sure pregnant or not? Also the male has become very mean towards myson since we got her, is that normal? He can't put him close to hisface like he did before or he bites him.... Can anyone help..?I justwanna know how to breed them properly and have healthy bunnies...
Why are you cross-breeding bunnies?? :? Are they even pedigreed, or just pet store bunnies?
i would really honestly my self get you bucknuetared it will calm him down alot and he will be less agressive, thenafter he heels up i would hve to doe spayed that will also mellow herout and and stop her form geting cancer. bunnys make better pets whenthey dont have hormones raging through them.

that is what i would do babby bunns are fun but exspensvie and then youneed to find good homes if you get them fixed your buns can be bondedand live in the same cage together.

The reason your male has become agressiveis due to the fact that now that he has had a female & mated...he is running rampid with hormones. The best way to helpmellow him out is by getting him neutered, but that is not a guaranteethat he won't forget about how it felt & remainagressive.

Is there a reason you want these two to breed?Honestly, there is not a good market for mixed breed bunnies... and Iknow a lot of pet stores here won't take them as they cannot advise thenew prospective owner about how big they will be full grown.

well I am actually breeding them as house bunniesfor my children...There is a pet store that said they will take them at2 wks if I decide I dont wanna keep them all...So what do I do aboutbreeding them again? or trying?
TWO WEEKS *gasps!*

do you know that it isillegal first of all to sell rabbits before 8 weeks of age and theyshould not be separated be fore that excuse me if i am stepping out ofline here but you really need to educate yourself before you do this 15million animals are euthanized every year because people deside theydon't want their pets anymore if i may ask whats wrong with the two youhave for your kids???? why do you need more? rabbits can have alot ofkit up to i believe 16 do you really need 16? plz plz plz go to yourlocal library and get a good book on rabbit care before you getyourself into more than you bargained for in case you don't do thathere are some web sites that may help

please don't rush into this unprepared educate yourself and be patientbe sure you know everything before you do this please!!! i am nottrying to upset you or make you angry just to encourage you to educateyourself .

please consider what i have said

I would advise you not too breed mixed breedrabbits,there is a risk to your doe she can die from complicationsgiving birth,sometimes does refuse to feed the first litter.handfeedingis very difficult.two week old bunnies will most likely die without themother they are not ready to wean for six to eight weeks.many petstoreswill feed any bunnies they dont sell to snakes.what will happen to themif the petstore doesnt sell all of them are you prepared to take themback.bluebird
gjsara wrote:
do you know thatit is illegal first of all to sell rabbits before 8 weeks ofage

Sadly there are many states that do not have laws regulating the saleof young bunnies (Ohio, where I am originally from, is one of them).

I currently live in Pennsylvania, and they do have a minimum age lawfor bunny sales. There is also a problem enforcing theselaws. Many people sell young bunnies to pet stores and simplylie about the actual age of the bunnies.

Two week old pet store bunnies would have an extremely high mortalityrate. The older the bunnies are when they are weaned andsold, the more chance they have of surviving.

I cant even imagine anyone separating their babybunnies from the momma at only two weeks of age! My two little babeshad barely opened their eyes at 14 days, there was no way that theywere drinking out of the water bottle and eating pelleted food ortimothy hay at that age. It seems that the lack of their mother's milkat such a young age would be a death sentence for the poor babes. Whstpetstore in their right mind would condone such a thing?!
miffyoreo wrote:
well I am actually breeding them as house bunnies for mychildren...There is a pet store that said they will take them at 2 wksif I decide I dont wanna keep them all...So what do I do about breedingthem again? or trying?

It's sad that pet stores just don't know much about rabbits.

I've been where you are now, breeding pets to get offspring thathopefully had the same great personalities. It worked--I don't regretit!!!--but I had some serious work to do finding good homes. Oh, Ishould mention I did breed purebreds. One was a rare breed and so thebabies were taken before they were conceived--all NINE of them!:shock:The resulting bunny I kept from that litter isabsolutely perfect. I love him.

The other had a very small litter--four surviving out of five. I kepttwo, one was a stud fee, and the last went to a good small-scalebreeder. The first litter is often small.

I wouldn't wean until 6 wks., although some does will wean as early as 3 wks.

If it is less than 35 days since she was bred, she may indeed still bepregnant--some does do not show at all. Just wait out the gestation andtry again afterwards. Sometimes does are more receptive if both are onneutral territory. Don't put him in her cage.

Good luck! I'd make very sure of good homes first though!


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