Breeding Problems

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Active Member
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA

i have been trying to get some of my mini rex and harlequin does bred but nobody wants to take! I will see if i get an kits here pretty soon but still i am very fustrated! i am trying to breed for Mini rex nationals next year in Midland. I am trying for harles because i have a big waiting list! bigger then my mini rexes!

I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the subject.

Thanks Dana:apollo:
How old are the does? Have they been bred before? Which breeding method are you using- what are you doing to breed them? What are they eating?

How old is the buck? Have they all been bred to the same buck? Has the buck fathered a litter before?

We need LOTS more information! :)
Okay here we go

1 doe has had close to 25 litters not all mine since i have had her she has only had 1, she might be sterile though because of all the breedings and litters she had the last litter she aborted which was one little bunny, i just tried to bred her one more time i liked what she produced, but if she dont i know why and she is already 4 years old

1 doe has had a litter of 6 she is a 2008 doe

1 doe has had a litter but not since i have owned her she is 2008

then i have 1 doe that is 2008 that has never had a litter and a 2009 doe that hasnt had a litter yet

then i have a doe that has had 2 litters she is 4 years old to, i dont know why but i never bred her much

i have a nother 2008 doe that has had 2 litters but she didnt take care of them- one more and she is going to bea pet- she origanally was but i decide since she is sitting in my barn might as well breed her

thats the mini rexs

on to the harles

4 does that are 2008 does have had 1 live litter

32008 does never had a litter

1 2009 doe thats never had a litter- false pregnancy w/ previous owner bred to young

I usually put the doe in the bucks cage, i dont do the other way because does are to agressive about thier space.

I have done some table breedings but i am not very good at it and i get fustrated and impatient

i am feeding my does a grow formula- increases milk production and growth in babies

bucks i am feeding a 17% feed

I have gotten live litters out of 2 of my bucks that i am currently using

i havent bred the rest of them before they are either younger or i have just recently got them.

Hope this helps!
Has it been very hot this summer in your area?Was itvery warm in your barn for extendedperiods of time? Could your bucks be "heat sterile"? Are you over-using them? Letting them rest between girls?

4 year old does may have trouble concieving... 1 year old does shouldn't have trouble. A one year old doe that hasn't taken care of 2 litters in a row should be petted out. Find her a good home and concentrate on the ones that will care for their young.

You need to breed them fairly consistantly to maintain good fertility. Are they over weight? Age tends to let fat accumulate around the uterine horns and prevent conception, especially if the hornsare not being used. The does are not lactating or raising litters right now, the feed may be too rich for them. If not on a litter, I'd put them on the same feed as the bucks. They would get switched over a week before kindling... in limited amounts.(Don't "freefeed" thedoes). I increase feed amounts 3-4 days after kindling.

Keep trying and concentrate on the younger girls.
Its hasnt been too hot, it does sometimes get hot in the barn, they might be heat sterile, I definately am not over using them, i do give the boys a break inbetween there is only one buck i extensively use at this time, but he only is bred to like 2-3 does

I can understand the 2 4year olds, the one doe i have bred twice and didnt care for either litter has one more chance in my barn at least as a brood doe, if she doesnt want to be a mom she will be a pet for me i raised her from 2 weeks old, her mom was killed by a neighbor dog. So she will stay here but not as a breeder. There is only one doe i am worried about that would be overweight and that is my solid chocolate doe who is just turned senior in Aug. she is a very large doe and i dont feed her the grow formula she eats the same as the bucks because i am scared she will get over weight.

I will keep trying and see what happens- its too bad about the older does those are the litters i have waiting list for :(

Harlequins i am not too worried about they seem to be easier to bred then some of the breeds of rabbits i have had.

Thank you
Easiest thing to do is cut the does feed right down and feed unlimited hay. They don't need to be overweight to have excess fat round the ovaries. Do the hay and very little feed for 2 weeks and the does should be well up for it. This method hasn't failed me yet lol.
I wouldn't have them on that feed tho I agree with blue giants it could well be to rich for them

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