If you were closer to me, I'd offer you a deal with my broken tort holland lop doe. I'm just phasing Holland Lops out I can't stand the competitveness of the breeders around me when we show.
I've bred them for 4 years and just remember to start the does younger- around 6 months and watch their ears!
Blaze constantly gets little pus pockets behind his ears. Gab and Speedle are so easy, I groom them down monthly when they get their teeth, Privets and nails checked/done(unless we're getting ready to show then the brushing is much more consistant)
Skye(solid black doe) gets a wonderful nickname because she bits young(male or female) or older female judges
All of my holland Litters have been tiny the biggest was 6, the smallest was 1(the broken tort doe too) Skye averages 3 in a litter. Autumn jsut lacks substance in her ears so I have to cross her to Speedle or Blaze to get the thickness in ears that I need.
THe biggest thing is remembering that one judge may think your animal is great, another might see something they don't like, so after showing Autmn with good sucess in NY/VT/Conn/Mass I moved to KY and down here she didn't show well, find a breeder in your area to find out what looks you are looking for besides the base standard.
Also, something I never learned, Learn to type! If you can body type out an animal you are doing good. I've finally learned to body type out my dutch and I know I've got a lot of dutch with very nice type. Let the judges help you, most of them are very helpful if you catch them at the end of the breed.
I think that covers a little.