Breeding and Pellets

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
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Salyersville, Kentucky, USA
I know this is about nutrition however it is also about breeding soI thought it should go here.

What does all the show breeders out there feed? Back when I bred rabbits before the only food I could find around here was purina and many breeders I talked to told me of how their rabbits dropped like flies and did not breed properly on purina. So this time around Tractor Supply has moved in and carries much better food at a price not much higher than purina. So I just got my new breeding pair today and picked up Manna Pro SHO, Sharon said it was amazing, and now we are home. Slowly switching my pets rabbits over.

Do you feed your show stock, babies-juniors and feeding moms diffrent pellets? I read on the bag to feed the breeding formula to feeding moms however Sharon said she just feeds the SHO, and I tell you the pair I got from her are great feeling, I have never felt a 2 1/2 month old rabbit feel so full over the pelvic bones.
Mine get the same pellets all the time however I usually have a slightly higher set of pelets in case I encounter problems or if one of my pets with tetth problems gets sore as they are smaller and easier to eat.

We have different pellets to you in this country so I won't be of much use to you though sorry.
I love Manna Pro SHO. I feed everyone that brand even though I got it for my angora breeds originally.

If anything, my nursing does and juniors will get a pinch of Calf manna in addition to pellets and hay to keep weight on them.
I used Manna Pro Show too. :) I had to switch to a cheaper brand recently...ugh. But it is a good feed. I had to switch to Dumor, but I am also giving them the Manna Pro Show Supplement with it. lol I am going to switch back once I get a job! Great food! I just fed all my rabbits that same food. Seniors, Juniors and Pre-Juniors.
wooly_queen wrote:
I used Manna Pro Show too. :) I had to switch to a cheaper brand recently...ugh. But it is a good feed. I had to switch to Dumor, but I am also giving them the Manna Pro Show Supplement with it. lol I am going to switch back once I get a job! Great food! I just fed all my rabbits that same food. Seniors, Juniors and Pre-Juniors.
Sharon said the Dumar is good too, second best from what she has tried. I am lucky to have a job and be able to buy the best food now. Plus 50lbs last 6 rabbits at least 2 monthsI would say.
I have about flemish make me buy 2 bags a gets expensive for my parents. So I actually turned in an application at Tractor Supply...then I even get a discount! :) Hopefully I get the job, the Manna Pro has been working for me. I have tried purina too. But from what you said in your first post...ehhhh. So I will switch back to Manna soon.
I also feed the Manna Pro SHO to all my bunnies, no matter the age. I've been very happy with it and have no intentions of switching. I too get it from Tractor Supply in the big bags. I'm just thankful to have a source to buy it from locally.
Yeah. Tractor Supply is a great place...their nestboxes and such are a bit over priced for my liking, but they have some great
Luckily my hubby is big into woodworking and has his own woodshop. I find he's more than willing to make my "bunny projects" because it then makes me look more fondly on his hobby and more likely to say "Yes" to purchases of bigger or better equipment. :) It's a tradeoff, but I can say I'm really happy with what he's made for me so far. As soon as he's done with a project I tend to think up another. :biggrin2:
First, sorry to have gone off-topic :) It was that whole TSC diversion. I love that place, btw.

The nestboxes are great, but my favorite construction project so far has been the pen system he built me. He had the idea of creating a system that (now that I've seen it) reminds me of the Flush-Kleen system, but it isn't made from plastic. He constructed it from wood, sheeting, and gutter. It's pretty easy to clean and keeps all the buns super clean as they never have any "back ups" like I had with my tray systems from time to time whena bun liked a particular spot more than another. It was hilarious when he found the Flush-Kleen system online after he had made his....he swore they stole his idea. LOL I told him great minds think alike.

My baby nestbox warmer bunnies would argue the warmers were, by far, the best creation yet as it kept their little tushes warm in super cold weather while they were hairless. :)
TSC just moved in herein november or decemeberI believe it was. I love the place xD Bit expensive but they have so much more than walmart when it comes to animals. It is the closest thing to a petstore we have here.

My papaw has a workshop so anytime I want to make something small I am welcome as long as I don't use his "fancy" wood. His shop is like 40 by 90 or something, it is huge.
I don't know that I'd go into Tim's wood shop and use anything. :) For starters, he's pretty particular about his tools. I got a horrible look when I used a screwdriver to open a paint can once. LOL I wouldn't think of touching the tools with the exception of the chop off saw or the drill press as I've been told I'm "good at" those. :) I'm too afraid I'd cut my hand off with some of the other saws and I wouldn't know what wood was "good wood" and what was "scrap wood" unless it was thrown in a corner as though it didn't matter. I'm better off to just have him do it. Plus, then I know it will be done "correctly." Add to that...then I don't have to do it and I can spend more time with the bunnies. :biggrin2: The bunnies like that plan!
I love building things, kind of runs in my blood. I come from a long line of farmer/carpenders. Papaw is 72 and still working, my uncles where all carpenders, my dad use to work or my papaw for a few years(his dad worked in the mines) then he switched to trucks(concrete, simi's,etc he loved driving all over the us and mexico). I love going to the shop, going through the scrap pile and seeing what I can make. As a child I made my toy's stuff xD Now it is building for the animals. What I can't build I love to buy. I love to buy stuff for the animals but I am a tight-wad, not the best combonation xD

If you mess up take it apart and try again, it really is fun. One of my anger management things, one of the few things I have found that helps other than a cuddle or a walk.
I love making things, but I can't build. I've tried. I'm all thumbs when it comes to pounding nails into wood. Was really frustrating for me. hehe I like to believe I can do anything mildly artistic and that threw me that I couldn't do it.
I'm not patient enough for it to necessarily look great when I'm done. Tim is a perfectionist and will take an eternity to make sure something is square and level. I'm more likely to "eye it," which means it probably is neither of the two. :) I guess I just want to get things done, whereas he wants to make sure it's perfect.
I do not know about your rabbits but mine do not much care if the wood is straight exactly or not, they will chew it anyway :p

Going to start mixing in the new food tomorrow, I had just resently bought a 25 lb bag so I have plenty of pellets to VVEERRRYYY SSSLLLOOWWWWWWWLY switch, lol. Hope we don't incounter soft poohs, my two new juniors got soft on me the day after I got them and nothing was changed, stess. They are now firming up, woot.
Yep, that is what I did. I emailed Sharon and asked her what all they had been treated for and what type of hay they had. Everything was perfect so it had to be stress. I went out just after and gave them some oats. Chess is wild like so she runs to the back of the cage anytime I come near. Z is amazing so he lets me pet him and eats from my hand howeverhe was not sure about the oats soI dropped them on the resting board for them both.

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