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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Thurston County, Washington, USA
I got an e-mail today from a 4-Her. She's interested in one of my bucks but says she can't afford him. (He's $40 ;) Not bad for REW's since they are still pretty uncommon - especially around WA)

She asked if I gave discounts to 4-Hers and I said yes...problem is how much of a discount? I have searched 20+ rabbitry websites' sales policies and I can't seem to find one that says how much they gave for a discount to 4-Hers; yet they give 10% discounts on purchases of 3 or more, just as we do.

So, how much should a discount to a 4-Her be?

How much do you discount 4-Hers?


ETA: Just thought I'd add that I just now stumbled across a breeder who gives FFA& 4-Hers a 10% discount, which isn't to be combined with the multiple discount.

For 4-H kids, I usually charge half of what I normally get for my Flemish or Mini Rex. But I have to see some real interest in the rabbits, the child has to be ready to take on the resposibility, and I need to know the rabbit is for the kid. If they want "show quality", I need to see an interest in showing, with cooperation from the parents.

I've had people ask about 4-H discounts, but it was obvious it was the PARENTS that wanted the rabbits. If it's for the child, they get the discount, if it's for the parents, no discount.

It's totally up to you. If it's a special rabbit that you don't want to see it go to an inexperienced owner or a youth breeder, don't sell it to them.
It depends on the situation. If the 4-H student is very serious in their quest for a rabbit- and I talk to the parents and they are on the same page so to speak then I will sell at half price.
I think a set about isn't posted on websites because it varies from kid to kid.

Sometimes I don't give any discount. If I spent $100 to buy a rabbit and I want $100 back, I'll list the price as firm for ANYONE who wants the rabbit.

Generally, I'll take 10-15% off.

Sometimes, I ask the kid what they're looking to spend, and then show them rabbits I'd be willing to sell them for that price.

Sometimes, I "lend" them out, or give them away free and ask for a baby.

It's really up to you and what you decide is reasonable in the situation. :)
Thanks for the answers everyone :)

I'm not sure how old she is...she sounds pretty mature, but I will ask her.

The thing is that she's interested in a buck "baby" as she says, which I only have Louiee (who is pet quality) and Cadbury. So I can't really ask her how much she's looking to spend. She doesn't Bruce because she's looking for a young buck.

I did the calculations yesterday, and 10% of $40 is only $36. So I doubt that she'll be able to afford him even with a discount, so I might just give her a 20% discount, which would be $32.

You should ask her if she is looking for the buck for breeding, pet or show, and set your price accordingly. You can't pick out a buck for her unless you know what she intends to use it for. If you sell her Louiee and she shows him... and he gets "off the table" real fast because he's pet quality, and she will be mad at you... but it would be a waste to sell her a top quality breeding or show buck if she is going to neuter him and keep him as a pet. You need to know what she is looking for, past the point of"buck or doe".
She is looking for a stud buck, that's why I already knew Louiee wasn't going to be of interest to her ;) lol.

I would take POL but we might be getting out of REWs and we're trying to reduce our herd as it is ;)

For me it depends on how interested and dedicated they are. I usually might take like $10 off the original price if they are over $30.

When I was in 4-H (for horses), local tack stores gave 4-H kids a 15% discount, which was really great and fair.

The only thing I'm worried about with this potential buyer is that if she cannot afford $40 for your buck, would she be able to provide proper health care for him (vet bills, etc.)?

I'm not a breeder (and I apologize if my advice is silly), but I would just get to know her better, like others have mentioned in order to see how dedicated she is.

Good luck!

Thanks everyone :)

I'm kind of thinking that if she can't afford $40 for him, then she's not going to be able to even afford $34; which is the price w/ the 15% discount. I don't know if she would be able to afford vet care...I assume she would as she's in 4-H and has other rabbits. I think she's just looking for a cheap purchase, but if she's looking to get into big time breeding she won't find show/brood stuck for much less than $30/$35 around here.

She seems somewhat dedicated - she says she wants to breed to improve the breed and I even gave her the link to RO because all she has is a Tri doe which I told her REW's can only breed to REW's. She still is insisting on getting him so I guess that means she might get a REW doe to breed him to (from another breeder).

I give 15% discounts, IF the youth is paying for the rabbit, if the parents are paying for them then it would be like giving them a youth discount.

I think I would ask her wether or not she plans to get another doe, if not I wouldn't sell him to her because that would just cause problems in the breed since she only has a broken tort.

Also, If he is of nice quality and you priced him for $40 I would sell him less than 15% off, but its your choice.

Thanks Karlie.

She said that even with the discount she couldn't afford him; and that she was looking for a $15 bunny; She's old enough to have a job, that's all I know because she said she was still looking for one and that's why she couldn't afford much.

But she said in the near future if I ever had any coloured mini rex to let her I guess I have a potential buyer. :D

Yeah I was a little skeptcial about the whole idea of her wanting to breed REW to Tri. I told her she would probably get some non-recognizable colours. She didn't know what that meant because she doesn't I can't see how she's really breeding to improve the breed...I doubt she even has a standard.

She will probobly have a hard time getting a show quality buck for $15,
I would mention it to her (The SOP) and tell her where to get a copy, that way she can study a bit more first, :]


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