brand new BUB PICS!!

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
and I only got sprayed once to get them!!!;)

"No time to stop, I'm a busy boy!"


"Where are you??"


"There you are!"


"Ahhhhh, you're wearing my favorite Eau de Bub...."


"This is SO not dignified!"




I have 4boys Cirrus LOL Im keepin atlewast one of them and Im not sure ifHalf_ Pintis taking one so there is aleast 2 baby Bubb Types lol

AAAAAWwwwwwwwwww Rose he isas adorable as ever !!!!!

I so Love this Mooshy smelly GUY!!!!!


jest looka that faceeee what a hunk!!!!!!!!!!
There's my boy. W:shock:W, he looksincredible. Look at that face. I thought you learned not to play hidefrom Bub the other day lol. No wonder he sprayed, he doesn't like thatgame.:p

I so love this picture.


I can't explain but he reminds me so much of Apollo in it. Heis gorgeous. I so want one but Dale would kill me lol. So I'll admireyour's and Gypsy's babies.

cirrustwi wrote:
I just love Bub! He's so adorable. I completely want one.


Ohhhh yes, Jen, take one of gypsy's boys!!!!:D:dude:They are lynx and he is golden.

Gypsy, can you believe he let me do that to hisface????:shock:The boys just are like that...Tina,youneeeeeeeed one.....really.....;)

He's looking a bit scruffy in these pics--the molt lines can be seen onhis face. He daddy was just the same, a few lines on his face one dayand then pooof! All his fur lets loose at once!:shock:

Thanks all!!!:)

OK OK Rose I willtake some after Dinner , dontwant me sauce to curddle doYa !!!!! lmao I will get pictonight as soon as I do nightly feedings.
Jenniblu wrote:
:love:Look at that sweet mouth - just wanna kissit! He is so handsome, Rose. I want a pumpkin bunnyone day.

they're worth all the weird mischief.;)Go for it!! Personality of a Flemish with nonstop energy.

Gypsy: Don't tell me that! I know youare going to Tina's and I'm on the way. I'm sooootempted. I can't wait to see more pictures.

SOOOOO Rose yawanna see a BUB jr HA ha I haveone its the one Half_ Pint decidedto take home heheheheh , sheis going to have her hands SOOOOO Fulleheehhehehehe

Catch Me If You CAN!!!!!


grrrrrrrr one more time , Stand Still dang it .


OK OK You Got Me , Im standing still , for a second .


EEKKKKKKKKKKK she has that flashy thingyagain !!!! must be that Rose wantedpictures :foreheadsmack:


Im just going to sit here and Pout!!


Ok so now haseverybun gotten their baby Palfix for the night lol more tocome on a different thread I promis .
welll Freddys Momjust skip on over 2 or 3 states 20.00 adoption feeand off you go ,

I forgot to mentionthese little boogers have fullpapers I just have toget the software to print themup . and before anyone has a snitfit I am NOT requesting spay /neuterbecause the breed is having a hard time making acomback from near extinction . Soif anyone has issues please feel free toIM me DO NOT put it in athread. Thanks !:)

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