It should feel like she's got marbles in her belly. Check out the CheatSheet websites. It has a link to a site about how to palpate therabbit's belly and what to feel for.
The milk is forming while she's pregnant and is stored in the "alveoliand upper parts of the duct system until a suckling stimulous causeslet-down of the milk and it enters into the lower duct system." (RabbitProduction 8th Edition)
Feed the doe unlimited pellets and make sure she has plenty of freshwater. She needs the increased food for her body and to produce milk.
Get ready for the babies by providing a nestbox. On around the 27thday, is a good time to put in a nestbox. If you put it in too early,some does use it as a bathroom.
The night before, or the day he litter is born, look for her to pullfur from her underside and start building her nest with straw. Checkthe litter every day and make sure the babies all look like they'veswallowed a ping pong ball in the morning. If they are shriveled andthin, they'll need your help in getting fed.