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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
Yours truly got to talk to theePam Nock on the phone Thursday night!! What aprivilege!! :dancing:pam is even more amazing thanwhat I thought. What a mind! I

was completely blown away . . . still am.

Your #1 Fan,

LOL -- You are too funny Lissa:) The honor wascertainly mine.

Hopefully, I won't have such a bad cold next time we get to chat.:tears2:(Still sick)

Pam :love:
That is great that you two go to talk over the phone.

Pamnock you need to get better from that cold cause I don't want tocatch it through any of the post you make. lol. I'm kidding get wellsoon.
I know what you mean by that. I go through it sobad that I can not breathe and the bridge of my nose would turn blackand blue from the massive pressure. the reason for that being is thatmy nasal is colapsed.
Oh yeah it is. When I was dating my hubby 4yrsago I got really sick with a sinus infection. I woke up with it and hecame in to see me that morning. He freaked out because he thought thatI hurt my self in my sleep and he did not want me to go home until myblack and blue went away cause he did not want my parents thinking thathe hurt me.

I told him not to worry cause I get that all the time.
I hope I'm feeling better soon also!My head is stuffed up and my brain is foggy -- I accidentally put a$1000 ebay bid in on a $10 item yesterday! :shock:

pamnock wrote:
Ihope I'm feeling better soon also! My head is stuffed up andmy brain is foggy -- I accidentally put a $1000 ebay bid in on a $10item yesterday! :shock:


Step away from the computer, Pam!

Feel better soon.

pamnock wrote:
I accidentally put a $1000 ebay bid in on a $10 item yesterday! :shock:
I have never done that before. :embarrassed:

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