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I LuV MaH BuNs

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some where, New Jersey, USA
I got my report card and these are my grades!

Health: B-

Math: B+

1960's History: B+

English: B-

Psychology: B-

US History: C-

Gym: A-

bringing my GPA to a 2.86! YEY! My parents are so proud of me! Its one step closer to the boathouse party!

You can add me to the list of people that are proud of you!

Keep up the good work!

Can't wait to sit down and have a nicelong chat with you at the Boathouse Party.


mambo101 wrote:
"1960's History?"

Now I'm really starting to feel old.:shock:

I remeber her asking me where I got the "pottery wheel" thatisin the basement. It was actually the turntable for mystereo. You know to play records on. That comment resulted in a puzzledlook..."Records?" :?

I really got old when all of the music I grew up with...started coming out on TV ads for "KayTel Records".

:~) Jim

JimD wrote:
I remeber her asking me where I got the "pottery wheel" thatisin the basement. It was actually the turntable for mystereo.
:~) Jim
Hee! Hee! Hee!

It is funny how many things we grew upwith that are just a part of our childhood memoriesthat ourkids would have no clue even existed!

Great job on the grades! I can't wait tosee you at the party! I knew you could doit!

I just wanted to jump in here and let everybody know how proud I am of Danielle.

She's definitely on the right track for going to the party.

:~) Jim (proud daddy)

PS>> Of course that means that there will be less room inthe car to take home the bunnies I collect at the party ;)

I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
I got my report card and these are my grades!

Health: B-

Math: B+

1960's History: B+

English: B-

Psychology: B-

US History: C-

Gym: A-

bringing my GPA to a 2.86! YEY! My parents are so proud of me! Its one step closer to the boathouse party!
Very good report card! What year are you in?

History is boring isn't it? I never did much better than a Dor C in that class and that was because the teacher was very cool LOL!

Keep up the good work! I always enjoy hearing of a good student!!!
Danielle. I do want to add my congratulation onthe grades. Maybe you just need a different historyteacher.;)Sometimes that can make a difference. I stunk inmath all the way through school, but I had this one algebra teacher inhigh school that really made class interesting and easier to learn. Iknow JimD has probably already told you this but doing better inhistory will also help you out if your planning on college. Even thoughI'm around your dads age I really enjoy reading history related booksnow. Imagine that!:pKeep up the good work.

JimD wrote:
mambo101 wrote:
"1960's History?"

Now I'm really starting to feel old.:shock:

I remeber her asking me where I got the "pottery wheel" thatisin the basement. It was actually the turntable for mystereo. You know to play records on. That comment resulted in a puzzledlook..."Records?" :?

I really got old when all of the music I grew up with...started coming out on TV ads for "KayTel Records".

:~) Jim
O.K. Jim you had to remind me of Kaytel records:shock:remember thoseone hit singles on 45's:pI still have a whack of 45's up on mycupboard, some given to me by my aunt who was the real hippie, Stills,Crosby Nash and Young. I still have some wonder hits likeCream 'white room', Rolling Stones..ect in 45's! AHHHH......Inot old yet, just close to being golden:cool:

ILuvmAbuns Congrats on your marks, you get a big hug and pat on theback it was truly deserved! I know its alot harder these days to suceedin school.By the way, what are you majoring in? Imyself have been hairdresser/bookkeeper and now going back to schoolstarting march part-time evening to get my aestheticiandiploma. Sometimes it takes 20+ years to find out what youwont to be when you grow up:DKeep up the good work.

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