Boy meets bunny

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
My little cousin was over and came out to help mefeed the rabbits. I let Bub out to play, and he chased that little boyall over the run. They they switched and Sawyer chased Bub, etc. etc.Then Bub chased both of us....

It was so funny to see Bub running tight little circles around Sawyer'slegs. He did the biggest binky I've ever seen (Sawyer's eyes nearlypopped out of his head!), about a foot and a half off the ground. Legsall over the place!

As I fed Pandemonium, Sawyer stood next to me....and Bub stood next toSawyer, stretched his absolute farthest leaning on the fence....veryvery cute picture.

And when I ran and called Bub to come, he kept looking back to makesure Sawyer was following. If not, Bub went back andherdedhim along until he caught up. He jumped all over bothof us, and was running figure-8's around our legs.

Bub is the ultimate kid's rabbit. Can't wait to see him at the petting zoo this summer!


Ah, that sounds so cute. I love when they dobinkies! It's so cute, Bramble never does them, but Briar does all thetime. When i first got them, back in December, and build their outdoorpen, he loved to do them, i thought he'd gone spastic or something!

That's so sweet! He liked your cousin! How old is he?

I think animals sense younger people and baby animals.I alsobelieve they sometimes like the size of younger people. Moretheir level to play :)

sounds so sweet. The way you described itmakes it feel like I was there. Very sweet. I bet Sawyer will bebegging to come play with Bub. I know I want to come play wihBub.
