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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Will and I have just started to go bowling and are trying to be serious about it. We stink, and are trying to get better. Are there any other bowling fans out there?

(Sorry for the short post, I just noticed I have to get to college! Time for mid-terms, baby! :cry2)
I like bowling. Haven't been for about a year though. I suck too, even with bumpers I suck!

I'm MUCH better at Wii bowling :p
My husband wants me to go bowling with him. I can't stand the thought of putting on someone else's shoes. All the bowling alleys I've been to smell bad.

I have a convenient excuse....I've already got arthritis in my hands and wrists, so handling that heavy bowling ball would kill me. :)
I bowled as a kid in tounimants and everything.

If I would have stuck with it I could of gone pro but I was 12 and thought it was for babys.

My average game them was 255 now its like 195. So I stilllok but comprared to then I suck.

I would join a leage when the bowling alley out heres opens up again.
If I were in a league of nine-year old children, I would be kicked out! lol Will says that I look like a drunk when I bowl. :p

I have a shiny, personalized ball and everything. Oh, I bought my own shoes, too. They are black with happy little glow-in-the-dark stars and white laces. :biggrin2: My bowling ball is dark blue with gold swirlies and little shimmery flakes in it. It's girlie! :p I use a 12 pound ball, which is average for women's bowling... according to the guy said at the store where I bought my gear. Will uses a 15 pound ball. I've ranged from a 9 to a 16 pounder! :p The 12 works the best, though.

My overall record is a 164. Last night, I got a 142, which is higher than I've got in awhile! :twitch:
I love bowling! Me and my friends like to go sometimes. Its something different to do then then going to the bars on the weekends. We aren't very good but its still fun.
I love to go just for fun, but a few of my friends are taking bowling for PE (I'm taking equestrian) so they're a lot better than I am.
My youngest son Jeremy who is 13 play's in a league every Wednesday...he get's to go into bowler of the month if he get's more than his average score...then if he does really well throughout the year then he has a chance to go into bowler of the year...which at christmas time he came second and won a hundred dollar's...he was pretty happy.

OMG, I can't believe I didn't see this til now.

Me and my hubby are bowlers and can explain alot to you:D. I know, I have been bowling since I was 9, but girl, I am still learning! The adult reactive ball thing is so new to someone new to it that it makes it harder to concept:expressionless.

Let me know, I'd love to help you and answer any questions for ya!


"ball, which is average for women's bowling... according to the guy said at the store where I bought my gear. Will uses a 15 pound ball. I've ranged from a 9 to a 16 pounder! :p The 12 works the best, though."

Yeah, if you're not used to it, it is quite heavy. I am up to a light 14 anda lighter/but heavy13. What does that mean you ask? Good question! You buy a "new" ball, right? Well, if you just bought a 14 lb ball, the drilling of it takes weight out. A few ounces anyway, but nontheless, some weight. That's why it ends up being not a 14 after drilling.;)
I love the 12# size. It is just perfect for me! I am getting better, being that I have only been able to bowl with my ball 2 days. The first night we tried them out, the ball-return chewed up our bowling balls pretty bad. We had to give them to the alley to fix, so we weren't able to go for awhile. We are used to just using house balls, so now we are getting used to our custom ones, we are getting a tiny bit better. Well, I am. ;)

I will ask you questions as they come to me! :D
I used to bowl in a kids league. My mom is a bowler! She bowls Monday and Wednesday night. She's pretty good too!

I like WiiBowling too! :p
I'm horrible at bowling. I like going though. We used to go in a big group during college, especially cosmic bowling and then we'd all be dancing to the horrible pop music.

I'm going ice bowling tomorrow. It's just like bowling... on ice. It's an annual fundraiser for the local ice rink. Last time I got two strikes! They have beer and a band and everything you'd need for a good Wisconsin time.:coolness:
kherrmann3 wrote:
The first night we tried them out, the ball-return chewed up our bowling balls pretty bad. We had to give them to the alley to fix, so we weren't able to go for awhile. I will ask you questions as they come to me! :D

Ugh, new balls chewed up? Not good!:pssd: What is extent of damage? I have a gouge in mine and as long as it's not "in your track", it's not a big deal. In the track means where the ball rolls over as it's going down the lane. But, if it's a new ball, they need to fix it period.

Whoopsy, missed your score of 164!:D That's really good! That's about my average now, but I've been bowling 202-214 since they've changed the shot (last 2 weeks). The "shot", I know most people are like what are you talking about? Well, before a league, they run the machine down and it lays down an oil "pattern" as you will see on the PWBA, (you should try to watch them too, you learn a bit from it:D, I still do!) Anyway, it's the way the oil is layed down and if you throw a reactive ball, can impact how the ball will react, expecailly as bowlers use the lane. It moves the oil and breaks it down, so, sometimes, your ball may not react the way you expect due to oil movement or may break down, meaning your ball will react too much because the pattern and line you are using is drying up. I bet that makes no sense to you at this point, haha. But, save this for when you get better and actually watch what the ball does. This game is so scientific, it's amazing, honestly.:panic::biggrin2:
The balls were just scratched up pretty bad. I wasn't too upset with mine, because it is blue and gold swirlies and they scratches weren't too noticeable. Will's bowling ball is black... The white scratches REALLY showed!

The only reason that we were really upset was the fact that it was the first day bowling with our new bowling balls (that was Will's old one, but he just got it resurfaced). The bowling alley took them from us and resurfaced them for free. :D

We're going tonight for the "bowl as many games as you can in 2 hours for $5" thing. :D
Very good for the center to do that for free, it's a must if the "center" caused the outcome. Very nice to hear:D.

What does Will throw? Yeah resurfacing is a great idea for an elder ball you love or want to change.:)

Let me hear of your latest outing!:agree (I had another 200(212) game on Monday! Whoohoo!)
Jim and I just started bowling. about 1 month ago Jim used to be in a leagues years go and knows how to bowlbut I only went a couple times in my life.

Listen to this ..

because of my health issues i had to get an 8 lb ball because i cannot lift heavy things. Jim is teaching me and to, to be honest , i'm not that bad with my itty bitty kid ball but Jim is way better than me.
I really think that it is fun but I have trouble bowling when the lanes on each side are busy and noisy..
cannot concentrate at all

I have my own shoes and my name on the ball and all that ....

it is something to do when the weather sucks
angieluv wrote:
Jim and I just started bowling. about 1 month ago Jim used to be in a leagues years go and knows how to bowlbut I only went a couple times in my life.

Listen to this ..

because of my health issues i had to get an 8 lb ball because i cannot lift heavy things. Jim is teaching me and to, to be honest , i'm not that bad with my itty bitty kid ball but Jim is way better than me.
I really think that it is fun but I have trouble bowling when the lanes on each side are busy and noisy..
cannot concentrate at all

I have my own shoes and my name on the ball and all that ....

it is something to do when the weather sucks

Too cool! It is great for winter, except for when you don't want to wonder into the cold if you don't have to, haha. That's almost the whole freakin league season, ughhh.

Have fun with it! That's great that you can at least throw 8lbs. You'd be amazed at how having your own shoes helps you alone, it's crazy, lol.

(My hubby is having knee issues, so, I'm sure he won't be bowling for a whole lot longer.:() Let me know how you keep liking going and all!:D Our leagues are done in two weeks. I'm sad, haha. I'll miss it!


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