Books/Movies That Made You Cry

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
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, California, USA

  • Of Mice and Men
Since this is a short story, I finished it in one sitting (lying? I wasgoing to bed). I cried a LOT. I don't know why, but even from when Iwas young I read a lot of stories about special people/children. Goodstory, really.


  • Tae Guk Gee: Tale of Two Brothers
I really encourage you guys to rent&watch this. It's a Koreanmovie, but it has English subtitles- it's about the Korean War. Iwatched it three times and cried every time. ;( It was a big hit; youcan get it from Hollywood Videos or whatnot.

  • Click
I watched this only recently (from Blockbuster). It didn't make me crya whole lot though, since the first time I watched it I had not seenthe beginning part. After later seeing it again from the beginning, Ialready knew the ending so yeah...My sister just bursted out cryingwhen Michael Newman (Adam Sandler) kept on replaying the part where hisfather says "I love you, son".

Post some books/movies that made you cry! I will add to the list if I can remember more. :)

The Time Travellers Wife. I am not into a lot of sappyromance things, but I was a wreck reading this - easily one of myfavorite books.

HoneyPot wrote:

The Time Travellers Wife. I am not into a lot of sappyromance things, but I was a wreck reading this - easily one of myfavorite books.

Oh lord, the end? I was a mess.

Two books that have made me happy cry are:

The Secret Life of Bees

Whitehorn Woods

Movies that make me (happy) cry are:

Spanglish, Pride and Prejudice (BBC version)

jordiwes wrote:
HoneyPot wrote:

The Time Travellers Wife. I am not into a lot of sappyromance things, but I was a wreck reading this - easily one of myfavorite books.

Oh lord, the end? I was a mess.

Two books that have made me happy cry are:

The Secret Life of Bees

Whitehorn Woods

Movies that make me (happy) cry are:

Spanglish, Pride and Prejudice (BBC version)
Oh I know! That last chapter I couldn't even read through the tears.

You know, I've never read The Secret Life of Bees, but I have read TheMermaid Chair, and I didn't really like is. Bees isbetter? I've heard it's really good, maybe I will go get it.


The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Its such an amazing book and I reccommend it to anyone.


The Notebook and Black Beauty....gets me everytime.

On the other hand, I am very emotional and can cry over anything. A fewweeks ago I went to soften my ice cream in the microwave and ended upputting it in for too ice cream came out as a huge puddle ofchocolate fudge swirl and I sat on the kitchen floor and cried for 10minutes. Ohhhh bleh for being a lady and crying over melted ice cream!

- Amy
The Notebook got me, too.

Other weepy movies for me:

Out of Africa

Sophie's Choice

Can you tell I'm a Meryl Streep fan? :D

I also cried in "Eight Below". I'm a little embarrased about that, but animals always get me.

Maybe I was crying because Paul Walker is so yummy and I can never have him. ;)
CookieNCream wrote:

  • Of Mice and Men
Since this is a short story, I finished itin one sitting (lying? I was going to bed). I cried a LOT. I don't knowwhy, but even from when I was young I read a lot of stories aboutspecial people/children. Good story, really.

We have to read this for GCSE in English, I HATE it!! May havesomething to do with the fact that we read it in a classroom, halfasleep, and we have to analyse every..single..word! Probably would'veliked it apart from that though;)

Movies the made me cry?

The Lion King and Bambi:baghead

Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Michaela wrote:
The Lion King and Bambi:baghead

Omg, I still cry my eyes out whenever Mufasadies.:embarrassed:Other films that make me cry are Titanic,Finding Neverland and the Notebook.:tears2:
Me too, and when Bambi's mother gets shot:nerves1

Titanic too, I forgot that! What are we like? lol

oh. . .i cried when i read 'were the red fern grows'. . .in fact, i bawled. . .

i also cried while watching the notebook. . .i watched it with 2 of myfriends. . .and they had both already seen it, so come the end, i havetears streaming down my face, and my friend brandon is passing metissues!

i also cried during eight below. . .my mom was sitting across the roomfrom me, and i look up and she looks at me and we are both crying. . .

i also LOVE out of africa, it is one of my fav. movies. . .

um, lets see. . .stepmom (i think that is what it is called. . .withwhats her name and julia roberts), bambi, dumbo, charlottes web. . .

titanic. . .i just added this movie to my dvd library a few months ago.. . my friend was going through a horrific break-up with a boyfriend ofa few years. . .we watched this together and cried. . .it was perfect.. .

i too am an easy crier. . . i cry over everything. . . and am overly emotional. . .
Movie: Dead Poet's Society

Grave of the Fireflies- seriously, this even made my husbandcry! Awesome movie though. It's an anime aboutchildren in Japan during WWII.
Books: Watership Down. I read it a second time and cried just as much.

Movies: Of Mice and Men, the one with JohnMalcavich, andTorch Song Trilogy. TST is by Harvey Firestien, the bearded uncle inMrs. Doubtfire. It is a really good movie, and is very touching, funny,and sad. Besides, Harvey's character, Arnold, loves rabbits, and everysquare inch of his apartment is decked out in rabbits!

Oh man...I cry at so many. I cry for sadness andfor happiness. I think the movie that touched me the most (recently)was "Shall We Dance?" with Richard Geer and Susan Sarandon. To see himstruggle and not feel like he could tell his wife he was "missingsomething". To see him so happy and so fulfilled and her wanting to bepart of it.

I cry everytime I see the movie. The neat thing is - Art watched itwith me and said, "This is what you've been trying to tell me about therabbits...right...they fill a missing piece?"

Yep - the man ain't dumb.


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