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What kind of books do you like best?

  • Books about bunnies!

  • Mysteries/horror

  • Romance

  • Adventure

  • Fantasy

  • Science Fiction

  • Other

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Active Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Newton, North Carolina, USA
Okay, I am going to be 13 this August and I am really talented at writing, or so I've been told. In fourth grade, we had to take this writing test, and I was one of the two kids in my class that got a four (the highest you can get). My best subject in school is English, and I love to read and write. I actually write real novels! I am going to finish the two novels I am writing, andthen, the rest of the stories I am going to write are all going to be about bunnies. Preview: The next story I am going to write is a book about the life through the eyes of a wild rabbit. What they go through, how they bond with other animals, predators, that kind of thing. Well, I really want to be a famous author (and poet). Is there an age limit?Could I get a book published at 13? Is that possible? IF it is, how can I get my books published? Thanks!
Oh, a subject near and dear to my heart!

I have been writing since I was 8...and I now have kids in college and high school.

Write about what interests you and write with feeling. If you have a teacher who can proof and guide your work, all the better.

Enter contests if you can - there are many contests for youth out there.

Do not give up if someone tells you "No" - one door that closes is another that can open.

I have been published after many years of trying - and even then, I am not always successful. Believe in yourself and that you can do it.


published in A Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers, and Straight from the Heart II, EQUUS magazine, and the Miniature Horse Voice.
I love writing as well but don't how how to get a book published. Id have to finish one of many first anyway lol.
You might start by submitting stories or poetry to some children's magazines like Hightlights, Cricket and Spider. I used to get those for my kids and I recall they used to have stories written by kids for kids.

You can probably find information on submitting to these at their websites or in the magazines. If you don't get them, try your local library.
You can most definitley get books published at 13!

I too love to write, and edit things...My mom tells me I should be an editor/journalist, but I just can't see myself doing that as a least not now; maybe after I get tired of doing something else, lol.

I too would love to get my stories published...I have so many going at the moment. Working on finishing a story about a motocross rider who gets injured, but then makes a great comeback and wins the Supercross....

Good luck! :)

As for your poll , I like reading teen books, as in Gossip girl and The nannies.
But you also need to think on who you want your main target readers to be, whether its for children, middle aged or teen.
You can get published at any age as long as you have great talent and passion.

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