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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
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Hutto, Texas, USA
Well, I have a callahoula leapord dog and a australian sheperd. My callahoula is 3 and very smart. My aussie is 8 weeks old and has not been to training as of YET. Popcorn is the oldest and Riley is the younger. (Look in my post called Leo and Lucy for photos soon) Well, anyways

I have let Riley play with my rabbits ever since we got him at 4 weeks old (yes, there is an explantation and I will post it below). He is doing really great. He learned that if you hurt the bunny the bunny will BITE you! And chase you around once it realizes it is about the same size as you. Now, that he is older when I let him play with the bunny he pretty much sits there and lets Leo come to him and they actually groom each other (well its mostley Riley doing the grooming but Leo loves it!!)

Well, Popcorn is slowly being introduced to the rabbits. He is very Smart and listens to every command given. He knows Sit, Come, Jump, Drop, Stay, Lay or Down. He follows very well and is so loyal that even though he hates jumping things (hes pretty short) that he will do it if I call him! Can you tell I love him?

Well, today was Popcorns 7th day with the rabbits. He has learned to lay down and be very still. Then Leo will come right up to him and climb all over him. It is really cute and I will try to get pics one day! Now, Popcorn and Riley are both not near the rabbits if I am not out there! Plus, there are secure locks on all cages and a dog kennel around the cages. I just thought I would post because I was so proud of Popcorn for letting Leo climb all over him. The first time Popcorn was with Leo, Popcorn snapped at Leo when Leo came close to me or him. We are still working on it because I still dont trust that if I was not there touching and telling Popcorn he is a good boy and to stay still that he wouldn't do it.

Well, I am just really happy and thought I would share the success with you! I will post pics soon of the puppy and Popcorn and them with the rabbits.I will also post more pics of the rabbits alone.
I wouldn't think a herding dog would have a problem bonding with a rabbit, but watch out for those terriers! Glad to hear alls going well.
The story about Riley coming to us at 4 weeks old is that the people would had his mother had found her on the street. They were selling her (because they were herefrom LA because of Katrina and were living in a hotel)and we were buying her when they found out that she WAS pregnant. She had a litter of 6 puppies. Well, we decided to take one of the puppies once old enough so that we could train it the way we wanted and not have trust problems or problems with the rabbits. Then the owners called one day and said that the mommy was really sick and she could not nurse the puppies anymore or take care of them. We knew that there could be attitude problems and that it would be really hard to care for a 4 week old puppy but we decided to help by taking one. We bottle fed it and then brought it to canned food (which it liked better than the bottle) and then dry food (Puppy of course). The only attitude problems we have is that he thinks everything is a chew toy!! EVERYTHING... Being a person, clothes, Popcorn, electric cords, puppy toys (thank god!!), carpet, couches and anything else within his reach!
Nice to hear of others who have good luck with their "herding dogs " and bunnies... I have a catahoula leopard and australian cattle dog mix and a border collie ,australian cattle dog mix. They are wonderful with my rabbits...think they are my cats and want to play with them. I love herding dogs!!!!