New Member
So I got Justin about 2 months ago, as a 6 month old Cinnamon/English that was brought into a shelter. The previous owner described him as a "snuggler". He was neutered while at the shelter. I brought him home and after deliberation bunny proofed my bedroom completely and after a few days basically let him have free reign. For the first few days he didn't mind being picked up and let us cuddle him all the time, but after he got a taste of freedom, he seemed to become more aloof and now he HATES being picked up. He will still be somewhat social with me, he comes up to me to rub noses or play, and likes to sleep at the end of my bed at night, but he goes nuts when I try to pick him up and spends a lot of his time either sleeping in a closed off corner or running around like a mad bunny (which is pretty adorable). I don't need him to be a 24/7 cuddlemonster, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to groom him or do necessary health checks, he has a tendency to scratch and kick with his back legs when he is picked up - and he is STRONG. Anyone have any advice? I keep trying to lure him into my lap with treats, but he is very stubborn.