Well-Known Member
This is more of a future question, but I figured I'd ask now to get some insight. I have a 3 yr old Dwarf-Mini Rex mix, male, working on getting him neutered. He used to have a friend, (supervised only, since he's not neutered, but he never showed any aggression, and they did play and snuggle together), but Patrick died last year at the ripe old age of 14. (I think that's old for a Mini-Rex, right?) Anyways, after I get him neutered, and build a bigger cage, I would like to look at getting another bunny. But I'd really like them to be bonded, and I'm not sure how to pick a bunny that he will bond with. Is there anything I can do to make bonding easier? What do I do if they don't bond? Would a female or another male be better? I would like to adopt from a rescue, so should I look for a young bunny, an old bunny, or one about his age? Is it possible that they will never bond, and if so, what do I do if that happens? Sorry, lots of questions. I guess that's why I'm asking so far in advance.