Bonding two very different rabbits

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New Member
Mar 9, 2020
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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Hello! I have two rabbits:
- Opu: neutered male lionhead Holland lop (1 year, 8 months)
- Popo, neutered male lionhead (1 year, 4 months)

Opu (our first rabbit) is shy but sweet. Seems to be content in his cage but might come out for a couple runs at night. He eats a lot, drinks a lot, poops A LOT, but he just loafs in his cage most of the time. He hasn't warmed up to us yet but we don't want to force him.

Popo is a friendly, active little boy. Always running around throughout most of the day/night. Always licking and jumping all over us.

They seemed to be bonded for a few months. Opu and Popo would do everything together, and it seemed that Popo made Opu feel more comfortable about running around. But then, I think Popo decided that he wanted to be the dominant rabbit and they got into a tornado. Ever since, Opu stays in his cage almost all of the time. Maybe depressed? More uncomfortable after unbonding?

They've lived in a divided enclosure ever since, but they do lick eachother through the bars once in a while. We usually let them out separately. We've tried re-bonding a couple other times. They would be good for weeks then end up in another tornado. We give them a few months after tornados for them to reset their bad feelings about each other.

We've been trying to re-bond them again outside in the front lawn for the first time. We've taking them out several times with no problems yet. Popo constantly runs back to Opu, licks him, then continues exploring. Opu doesn't move much as always. He gets super flat whenever Popo is near. I know that they've established their territory in our room though, with Popo probably claiming everything since he's the one running everywhere all the time.

Really want it to work out this time, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips! They don't seem totally hopeless since they do lick and cuddle every time we put them together. They just seem to get into odd arguments once in a while, but I think my huge fear of them getting hurt is holding them back a little.

Also, is Opu's behavior (super anti-social) okay? He doesn't seem stressed out when he's in his own territory. Just sleeps and eats and whatnot. But I wish he'd come out more for exercise. I tried to talk to his vet about it, but he just says I should just get a third rabbit for Opu.
It sounds like you are doing everything right. I would continue the bonding process as you have been and just keep a close eye on them. Opu seems very shy and may prefer a different more calm rabbit.

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