bonding two males

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
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I have two male bun's in our house and one is altered and the other is not

and they seem to get along fine but is it a good idea to try to bond two males?


A pic below.

the chocolate mini rex is mine the fuzzy lop is my sisters.

Let me know how it goes.

I have two brothers I may try to bond. They weren't litter mates, just have the same parents. They were born two months apart.

A few months ago, they wanted to tear each others faces off, but now pretty much ignore each other. They only see each other when one is in a cage though, just in case.

It would be really nice if they could play together.

yes I've seen it I had a dutch rabbit he was fixed but almost killed my sisters rabbit when I let his loose.

I'll watch them like a hawk.:wave2
It can work BUT I wouldn't recommend people deliberately get a male partner as it's less likely to work and you can end up with two seperate bunnies. As you've already got two seperate bunnies that's not really an issue for you though :) Next, it's less likely to work in a house where there are other rabbits around, particularly girls. If there is somebun to fight over they are more likely to argue. I'd definately recommend both are neutered, particular if they are under 18 months/2yrs as bonding can set off even a not hormonal buns hormones. Males are more likely to break their bond than females so be extra careful about not seperating them... take them both for vet trips etc. Also be careful when you first put them together, if they fight it will be nasty. Don't introduce them out of office hours, emergency vets bills are expensive!

That all said though I've had a pair of loved up, unrelated neutered males myself.... though I've also had a pair of neutered brothers that would tear each other to shreds given the opportunity.

Hi there.

I dont know if you've read any of my other posts, but I have two males who I bonded. I bought the second male, Max, as a girlfriend for my first, Basil. The only problem being that he was not a she, so I was forced to endure a long bonding process. They hated eachother on site...and tried to tear eachother apart whenever they met. I followed some of the advice on this link:

What worked for me (after they were both neutered, of course) was taking them on 5 min car rides once a day, 3-4 times a week. I would just set them on the seat as I drove slowly around the neighborhood, and they would be so scared of the car they would snuggle up to one another. Then, when we got back home, I took them in a neutral area (the bathroom) and let them explore eachother. I was always very attentive and made sure I was a part of the bonding process (petting, soothing words, etc). I even had a little squirt gun on hand for if one decided to bite the other a little too hard. After about 3 weeks of doing this, they becamefriends. They have been inseparable every since.

I know not all bonding has a happy ending, but I thought I would share my story. It sounds like you are off to a good start if they're not fighting right now. It might be best to have the one neutered first, just in case. You probably dont need to do something extreme like the car rides, just put them in neutral territory and let them explore eachother. That site has some really helpful information.

Feel free to pm me if you have any questions..I'll try my best to help!

Good Luck!

thanks guys,and I have had a few sessions when they were together they will

hump each other once and a while but the have never caused any bad damage

just trying to figure out which one is top bun.
Gender is overrated. Bonding has more to do with the personalities of the rabbits. As with all bunny bondings, just take it slow. Good luck!
Yes I know My rabbit is the top bun I think but he's such a sweetheart even if he's being humped by another rabbit but he will not tollerate another rabbits getting my attention once he was playing with my sisters bun and clayton(sisters bun) came over for pets so I pet him and my bun(koda) did not like it so he attacked his he clawed at his and bit him I had to litterally yang him off he escaped from my rabbit but him a bald spot.

anyways their better now.
I agree with m.e.!!! I do believe that bonding is more about personality and the time you are willing to invest to make sure the bonding works!:D

I had them out earlier and they did not fight or anything the just played then ignored each other to humping or biting.*jumps for joy* (YAHOO!)

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