Well-Known Member
I'd like to hear the thoughts of bun-savvy people regarding my current situation and future bonding goals.
My two girls live separately but are housed within the same room andplay together every evening. It took several weeks for things to calm a bit. The girls recently began lying side-by-side and grooming one another. Zoe would act submissive in the face of Emma's humping; thus, things seemed peaceful.
Fast forward to this past weekend, when I decided to adopt a (male) bun. Since he's entered the house, the girls' behavior has altered. (Not a shocker, I suppose.) One day, Zoe bit my arm when told her to enter her cage. (Normally, she'd just grunt at me.) And last night, the girlsscuffled when I was out of the room. (I found a tuft of Emma's fur on the floor upon my return.
So here are my questions:
1) Is it possible that the girls' bonding is permanently lost due to the scent of a (neutered) male in the house?
2) Would it be possible to bond all three of them in time? Or is that only possible if two of them are already tightly/entirely bonded?
I may have more questions, but I'll stop for now.
Thank you,
My two girls live separately but are housed within the same room andplay together every evening. It took several weeks for things to calm a bit. The girls recently began lying side-by-side and grooming one another. Zoe would act submissive in the face of Emma's humping; thus, things seemed peaceful.
Fast forward to this past weekend, when I decided to adopt a (male) bun. Since he's entered the house, the girls' behavior has altered. (Not a shocker, I suppose.) One day, Zoe bit my arm when told her to enter her cage. (Normally, she'd just grunt at me.) And last night, the girlsscuffled when I was out of the room. (I found a tuft of Emma's fur on the floor upon my return.
So here are my questions:
1) Is it possible that the girls' bonding is permanently lost due to the scent of a (neutered) male in the house?
2) Would it be possible to bond all three of them in time? Or is that only possible if two of them are already tightly/entirely bonded?
I may have more questions, but I'll stop for now.
Thank you,