Bonding question

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I've been rereading articles onbonding. Since I have never done this before, I wanted to beprepared. I've noticed that some articles say never to letone rabbit run in an area where another has it's cage. Othersrecommend that as a way to get the rabbits used to eachother. They both recommend having the rabbits' cages a fewinches from each other, which I already have set up.

What have you done? Have you had any problems with rabbitsfighting through the bars when one is loose and one is caged?
I haven't really had a problem with fightingthrough the bars, but Snuggy used to jump on top of Baby's cage andpoop on her head! I was laughing so hard the first time Icouldn't get up and stop her.


I think the former article meant that youshouldn't put a new caged bunny in a room the first one has the run of.So if your initial rabbit called the laundry room its home, don'tsuddenly place a new one in the laundry room. The first little guy maythink the newbie is an intruder.

It does seem to be a good idea to leave one caged and one allowed to goup to the cage so the two are able to sniff noses but still have thebars in the way in case they don't get along so well initially.

I myself have kept my two apart until I could get Loki altered so Tyrwouldn't have the oppurtunity to have his way with her. Even so, theircages are almost touching so when they did get together for an hour orso of supervised playtime, it wasn't as if they had never met.

I have yet to bond them because Loki just had her surgery recently, butI'd like to hear about your success story once your two are bonded. Anddon't forget the pictures.;)
Actually, they both said to put the cages next to each other.

I like the name Loki. That's on the top of my list for thenew bunny. I won't be able to decide on a name until I bringhim home- only a few more hours now! His current name isRascal (he's a shelter bunny) so I thought the name of a trickster godwould be appropriate. It doesn't seem right to make him keepa name given to him by the people who dumped him.
Loki has suited my girl well. And I agree tochange the name, especially for a rabbit who has been dumped. I did thesame for my dog, with the name change, no one has to be reminded of herprevious abusive owners, most of all the dog herelf. I'm sure whatevername you chose your new addition will get used to it quicklyconsidering he probably doesn't even respond ro Rascal.

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