bonding bunnies

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2004
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, , USA
Not everyday but i try to set sometime for takingthem in the bathroom and i notice that Luv who normally runs all overand dont beg for attention wants my attention in the bathroom and Rogerhides behind the toliet. I love being able to pet her but iwant them to bond if possible. I know i need to do it moreoften. Do you think its safe for me to let them spend timealone? Maybe then they will pay attention to each other.Maybe i can spend half of it with them and then leave for a little bit.


Hi Cristy,

Some folks put their two in the bathtub and see how they get along inthere. Since your two haven't had a fight yet, it's a good sign.

I'd let them out for a bit in a room, but keep a very close eye onthem. If you see one starting to bully the other, time's up and theyhave to be separated again. If they ignore each other, that's a greatsign. I don't think it's wise to assume they'll be okay withoutwatching them very closely. Sometimes it starts out fine, but after abit, you might start seeing one being a bit of a troublemaker. Eachcase of bonding is different. Until they are bonded and start groomingeach other, I wouldn't leave them unsupervised.

Keep us posted on how things go. I'll be very interested.


Both bunnies doors are open but only Luv ischooseing to run around. But she is staying close to Rogers cage and atone time looked like kisses then kinda looked like roger was mad butnot mad enough to come out and get her. She is respecting hisspace and not going in his cage but she is really intrested in him andkeeps trying to get his attention.

All good signs! I'd put their cagesside by side for a while and let them get used to each other that wayas well. It sounds like they're starting out the way Tuckerand Fauna did whereas she was the curious one and looking for hisattention. Now that she has it, she could careless. He's butta in her paw now.


there cages have been side by side for a coupleof weeks now. sooner or later maybe they will love eachother. If not thats ok too.

Carolyn wrote:
All good signs! I'd put their cages side by side for a while andlet them get used to each other that way as well. It sounds likethey're starting out the way Tucker and Fauna did whereas she was thecurious one and looking for his attention. Now that she has it, shecould care less. He's butta in her paw now.


Oh how cute, she lost interest in him as soon as she got him. Sounds just like people.

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