Bonding bunnies steps?

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Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I recently rescued a little 4 month old male lion head from a home where he was neglected. I have a 2 year old spayed holland lop female and my new male is scheduled to be neutered within the next week. The two have met a couple of times, but in both cases my spayed older female has shown aggression towards the younger male as he always tries to mount her, although they are in the same room and divided by a gate and show no signs of aggression then.
I'm just wondering if it would be best to wait a while after the younger male gets neutered in order to attempt bonding them for real? I'm assuming his hormones would be far less then and they would have a better time getting to trust one another if he isn't continuously trying to mount her?
I just want to double check as I don't want to keep putting them on dates when it could be harmful to the bonding experience before he is neutered. View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1428386755.494619.jpg
Exactly. There is no point trying to bond them now. Wait until a few weeks after his surgery when the hormones die down and he becomes his new and improved self. And make sure you keep a neutral area in your home for bonding, a place where neither rabbit has been before, to avoid territory wars. Good luck and I hope it's not too wild a ride!

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