Bonding babies?

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Dec 15, 2010
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
[align=center]Will my 10 week old female bond:hug: with the new 10 week old female that im getting?

Currently have a broken black cashmere minilop and will be getting a sooty fawn cashmere minilop on the 2nd of jan. And will most likely get them both spade when they are a little bit older.

I love cashmere coat!

possibly yes possibly no. but when they hit matrity they will most likey unbond and fight with one another if not spayed
They may or may not bond. Females, in my opinion, get along even when they are sexually mature. My brother had two females in one cage and they didn't fight. Just depends on the breed of both of them. I think that you are doing good by getting another rabbit that is the same age as your bunny, it will help with the bonding. My two bunnies, Sweetie and Prince are a month apart but the same age, they bonded instantly, sometimes this won't happen. I hope that yours will bond instantly.

Once they bond, the bond may or may not separate from them fighting if they fight. Sweetie and Prince are still bonded and they have had one fight.
It honestly depends upon the individual rabbits. I've seen some females that I thought would bond and stay that way - and they unbonded upon reaching adolescence. I've had others that bonded when I was shocked because they never struck me as being "bondable" and I have three sets of bucks that live together in pairs...two sets are brothers and the third set is just two bucks that got along well. (They aren't neutered - so I'm really just lucky that their personalities work so well together. I can't afford to neuter them right now but would separate them immediately if they fought).

I'd say go ahead and work on bonding now - but don't be surprised if they unbond as they mature.
oh thats good to hear, everyones so negative about the bonding and always assume the worst, so heres hoping :):pray:

Ps are those all your bunz??!!! WOW ! flemish giant? u must have amazing hutch(s)
chances are they will do fine untill puberty and the fur will fly.

my two bubs were the best of friends untill puberty hit and the mounting and attacking started.

just had them desexed, heres hoping for a swift return to bestfrienddom
yeas well I shall be getting them desexed for sure then, its $69.00 New zealand at the vet i usually go to. And will be vacinating which is only $19.90 Nz at 12 weeks also.

Am getting a new hutch aswell, exciting! At the moment my little girl is in ex bird avery, very spacious. New hutch i will connect to the play pen or run as they call it.

Thanks for the replys seems to be a must to de sex with rabbits. ( Am new to this )

Cheers! xxxx:toast::pinkelepht:
alleyK wrote:
yeas well I shall be getting them desexed for sure then, its $69.00 New zealand at the vet i usually go to. And will be vacinating which is only $19.90 Nz at 12 weeks also.

Am getting a new hutch aswell, exciting! At the moment my little girl is in ex bird avery, very spacious. New hutch i will connect to the play pen or run as they call it.

Thanks for the replys seems to be a must to de sex with rabbits. ( Am new to this )

Cheers! xxxx:toast::pinkelepht:
you'll have to wait at least 6 months before they can spay a female. with a 10 week old it's just too risky
I agree with the others that they will most likely get along now, but there's a good chance that they will fight when they reach puberty. Just be ready to separate them, get them spayed, and rebond them. Spaying should be done anyway for health and behavioral reasons, and once they're spayed their bond will be much stronger.

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