bonding an unspayed bun with a neutered bun

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Deep South, Texas, USA
I got my bun Loki two months ago. He's a great little bun I rescued from a lady who found him in her yard. He was obviously somebody's pet that had escaped or worse, was released :X. She couldn't keep him at home so posted him up for adoption on Craigslist.

My roomate and I desperately wanted a pet. A dog was out of the question where we live, and I'm allergic to cats. When I saw the post, I immediatly emailed the lady and she said I could go pick him up right now. I had nothing ready because it had obviously been an impulse adoption so I picked him up in a cardboard box. He was the cutest thing on God's green earth. He was friendly and curious. Not an ounce of fear in him at all. I suppose he had to be brave to survive all alone outside.

My roomate and I went out and got him a cage and everything a little bun could want. We set up an appointment with the vet to get him a checkup after his horrible ordeal outside. The vet confirmed he was a male and he was only5 months old! He has his appointment to get neutered this Wednesday.

A few days ago, afriend's neighbor moved and said she couldn't take her rabbit with her. :angryrantHow can you leave your friend behind!?My friend took her because the lady was going to leave her at the shelter. My friend can't keep the bunny, but didn't want it to go to a shelter either. She called me and asked if I would take Sufi.

Now for my questions. Sufi is 2 years old. From what I've read that may be too old to get her safely spayed. Is this true? And is it ok to bond neutered Loki with unspayed Sufi? I know it's going to have to be afew weeksafter the surgery, but can they be bonded?

Thanks so much in advance for your help!

T. and Loki
Hi there and welcome! Actually 2 years old is safe to spay, you just need to make sure to get a full checkupbefore hand. I have seen unspayed buns bonded with neutered ones, but it is harder due to territorial issues. It all depends on the personalities of the bunnies.

You should definitely wait until 4 weeks after the neuter to try though. He will still have hormones for a while and the remaining sperm can live for a few weeks, I believe.


Thanks for the welcome. :)

I was thinking of keeping them in the same room/different cagesso they can get used to each other. Is this a good idea or will it just upset them? I guess I could try it out when I pick her up today. I'm hoping and praying it will be love at first sight, but I think I'm asking for a little too much. haha

And this is my lazy bunny Loki :D
Hi there and welcome!

You are so great for taking these rabbits in, and for researching everything prior to bonding them. Yay for you!

I also have a little boy that was found running around in a residential area. Doesnt it just make you sick to think someone could turn their rabbit loose, knowing all the dangers out there?!

Putting the two in the same room, in separate cages would be a good idea. Just make sure that they are not close to one another at all. Rabbit have been known to reproduce in seemingly impossible situations! Also, as was said, wait at least 1 month after his neuter to introduce them. It would probably help to have her spayed as well.

Good Luck with everything and welcome. Your little Loki is such a doll. I think you will find that this site has so many amazing resources and people!


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