Bonding a Trio

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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So, I have 3 bunns that I plan to get spayed/neutered next weekend. I put 4 xpens together and I was wondering if I could bond them as a trio? There is 2 females, 1 male. None of them have been housed together or introduced before. What are the chances of success? And how would you go about doing it? I have heard about a lot of fights. If it's not advised, which two should I bond? Are there any specific characteristics I should look for? When Candy Cane lived with her siblings, she was very submissive. Vegas is a goofy boy who is controlled by the girls lol. He tried to groom them through the divider and never sprayed them, but constantly chinned lol. Carrots is typically very dominant, manipulative, and bossy around other bunns.
Oh, I meant to say Candy Cane was housed with her sister.
I would say that if they are all siblings and used to each other, and seemed to get along before, then you may have a pretty good chance of all three bonding. I would think that bonding all three together at the same time, may work the best, as opposed to bonding two, then trying to introduce the third. If they seem to be ok with each other through the bars of their pens, that's a good sign. After the hormones dissapate, you could try just seeing how two of them do together in a bonding session, and then try another two, and so on, so that they will have all been introduced as a twosome, then if that goes well, you could try putting all three together to see how they respond to each other.
it's certainly possible to bond three rabbits together... and, judging by the sound of their personalities, worth a try. a trio bond has a higher possibility than a M/F pair's bond to suffer a falling-out, but bonds can often be rebuilt if that happens. same-sex pairs are also at risk of random upsets compared to M/F bonds and my girls are doing quite well together despite a couple rough patches.

I recommend sending a PM to Blue eyes, who has experience with trio-bonding and can surely direct you to good sites to research it on.
None of them are related in any way. They have been near eachother, but never together.
Trios are possible just a bit more challenging and the risk for a falling out is higher.

Before I bonded my two I remember asking about which personalities or traits I should look for to bond with Agnes. From what I learned, the lingo between rabbits is so intricate it's not about us intrepeting which personalities may or may not bond. It's just something unseen between buns. :)

I feel like I also read that as far as trios go 2 females and 1 male is a bit easier than 2 males with 1 female. 2 males will end up competing for the lone female and the males will fight with each other. Whereas 2 females may not compete as much. But again, that could just be anecdotal and every situation may be different.

I know blue eyes has experience with trios and Chrisdoc has a trio of boys, maybe a PM to either of them could prove helpful :)

Otherwise, I would just start the bond and follow your gut and see where things take you. Trios can work! I wish you the best and keep us updated of course :)
I agree with what the others have to say. I am no help when it comes to bonding though. I thought that I had bonded my 2 girls only to find out that they are not bonded and am having to start over and am now stuck in a weird spot with them (see my new post in this section). I would think that you might have a good shot with how you described your bunnies. You only have 1 that is alpha. You also have 2f/1m which is probably the way to go if attempting it. Good luck and let us know. I will be following closely since I have the urge to add a new bunny to my herd (see post in main forum).

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